Stay Single Until You Meet Someone Like This, Based On Your Myers-Briggs Personality Type

Stay Single Until You Meet Someone Like This, Based On Your Myers-Briggs Personality Type

ESFP: Stay single until you meet someone who makes all the dozens of options at your fingertips seem to be a little less important.



Stay single until you meet someone who makes your excitement- about your next idea, about your day, about anything- seem like something to celebrate rather than something to contain.

Wait until you meet someone who allows you to talk about the dozens of ideas running through your mind, even when they don’t always seem to be feasible. Wait for someone who doesn’t limit your freedom, but isn’t afraid to be your solid place and gently bring you back down to reality every once in awhile.


Stay single until you meet someone who isn’t afraid to debate with you- whether it’s about something serious or complete nonsense just for the sake of it.

Wait until you meet someone who can see through your ego but still manages to find your charm appealing and even attractive. Wait until you meet someone who encourages you in your plans and ideas, and is even willing to go the extra mile to help you see them into fruition. Someone who is confident enough in their self to do their own thing and allow you to do yours, though in the end, you find yourself still wanting to do things together because they make life anything but boring.


Stay single until you meet someone who has themselves together and doesn’t run away from a commitment- who doesn’t take advantage of your generous nature.

Don’t chase after someone unattainable in hopes that you can take care of them; wait for someone who truly appreciates the whole-hearted effort you put into a relationship. On the flip side, wait for someone who also is perceptive enough to realize when you are too busy taking care of everyone else around you to focus on yourself- and they step up to the task of taking care of you, too. Someone who makes you not only feel needed but also allows you to feel wanted, too.


Stay single until you meet someone who isn’t afraid of your intense emotional capacity, but who finds it fascinating.

Wait until you meet someone who knows you can sometimes have your head in the clouds for hours on end and doesn’t see it as something that needs to be fixed. Someone who knows that you are sometimes a little all over the place, but has open arms for you to come back to reality and to help you keep your feet on the ground when you need to. Don’t settle for someone who is close minded- who views the world in only one angle, but someone who is willing to take a step back and see different viewpoints. Wait for someone who inspires you and brings your incredible creativity to light, where it’s supposed to be.


Stay single until you meet someone who doesn’t make dating feel like an obligation, but something you genuinely want to explore.

Someone who isn’t intimidated by your intellect but intrigued by it, and is even willing to challenge you with different perceptions to help you grow stronger. Wait for someone who is completely honest with you in every aspect, and leaves you no reason to mistrust them in any situation. Don’t settle for someone who spends time playing games and causes you to over-analyze every encounter you have with them.


Stay single until you meet someone who makes all the dozens of options at your fingertips seem to be a little less important.

Someone who is captivated by your charm, but not so much that they can’t walk away to find something else if they have to. Wait until you meet someone who views your spontaneity as something impressive rather than as a flaw that you should outgrow. Don’t settle for someone who tries to limit you from being social because of jealousy or possessiveness, but is willing to join your social circle- watching you shine in one of the many places you tend to thrive.


Stay single until you meet someone who doesn’t take your compassion for granted, but cherishes it completely.

Someone who recognizes that you are intuitive enough to sense when they are having a problem, but aren’t put off when you try to give them advice or help them out. On the flip side, wait for someone who isn’t afraid to tell you when you’re bulldozing your way into their lives (with good intentions, of course) but finds a way to tell you directly and gently. Wait for someone who doesn’t view your care-taker ways as something to take advantage of, since you are well known to help the ones you love and do as much as possible to help them succeed. Wait until you meet someone who communicates their feelings to you when you ask, and validates your efforts even though you never ask for it.


Stay single until you meet someone who doesn’t view your assertive confidence as arrogant or rigid, but as interesting and respectable.

Someone who knows that somewhere inside that you do indeed have a soft side, and isn’t so intimidated by you that they won’t try to bring it out. Wait for someone who appreciates that you’re well put together and sees the value in that. Don’t settle for a relationship that is full of inconsistencies or that causes you to question their loyalty- but someone who understands that while spontaneity can be a good thing (and isn’t afraid to surprise you with it every now and again) so are plans and reliability.


Stay single until you meet someone who makes the idea of being with them seem more intriguing than constantly being by yourself.

Even if you didn’t think that to be possible. Someone who not only appreciates your dedication and loyalty, but who matches it stride for stride. Wait for someone who desires to grow and learn alongside you, including helping you to break out of your shell a little more-making your relationship strong on more than just one level.


Stay single until you meet someone who willing to take on an adventure, and doesn’t settle for ordinary.

Wait for someone who is independent and confident within themselves, but nonetheless is excited to spend their time and energy with you. Wait until you meet someone who causes you to set aside a little of your aloof nature in order to let them in and see that you may be independent and reserved, but that you still have some vulnerability in you.


Stay single until you meet someone who isn’t intimidated by your aggressive and competitive nature.

But instead someone who views it as something to motivate them in the relationship. Wait until you meet someone who isn’t offended by you wanting to take the lead- something that you are incredibly skilled at doing- but who still works as an equal partner alongside you, striving for growth and new opportunities to make both of your goals and dreams successful.


Stay single until you meet someone who takes the relationship as seriously as you do.

Someone who sees the sweetness in your consistency and traditions- what looks like repetitive tasks to one will look like thoughtful stability to the right person. Wait until you meet someone who takes notice of how dependable you are, and doesn’t take it for granted. Don’t shy away from the ones who have scattered and animated personalities, because they will appreciate having you as an anchor in their lives when they tend to want to fly all over the place- and they just may break you out of your shell a little in the process.


Stay single until you meet someone who understands your sensitive nature, and places importance on not only your feelings but others feelings as well.

Wait until you meet someone who may have a lot of options or things running around in their life, but coming home to you is not only top of their priority list but is also something that they find a great deal of joy in. Don’t settle for someone who views your supportive nature as smothering or too much but who appreciates you whole-heartedly, and who is also willing to support and care for you as well.


Stay single until you meet someone who is excited about exploring the world around you- who isn’t afraid to be where the action is.

Wait for someone who is attracted to your nonchalant behavior, but isn’t afraid of being genuine with their thoughts and feelings towards you. Someone who’s sweet and self-sacrificing nature is unmistakable- they truly want to be the one to take care of you and who wants the best for you. Wait until you meet someone who doesn’t make you feel trapped or restrained in your relationship, but is more than willing to let you fly free- and they are more than willing to be your place to come home to at the end of the day.


Stay single until you meet someone who isn’t intimidated by the fact that you can be difficult to get to know.

But who is intent on breaking through your walls and understanding the real you. Wait for someone who has a strong appreciation for your artistic side, as well as is your biggest supporter in your creative endeavors. Someone who causes you to come out of your shell, and captivates you in a way that makes chasing after them not sound so bad after all.


Stay single until you meet someone who doesn’t shy away from your intensity, but is enamored and fascinated with it.

Someone who isn’t afraid of being a little complicated- you thrive on trying to figure people out. Wait for someone who isn’t afraid to challenge your ideas and the way you see the world because you rarely take anything simply based on the surface level and you should be with someone who isn’t afraid to dive in deep too. Don’t settle for someone who isn’t committed to you and is ready to run out the door at any time, but who wants to stick around for the long-term. Someone who adores the fact that you seek to understand them completely, and who makes you beyond infatuated as you do just that. Thought Catalog Logo Mark