This Is Why Love Is Truly About The Little Moments

I’ve been told a lot about how I should be treated, and how I should treat others. When it comes to relationships, I’ve been told that I should be with someone who knows how to be responsible for his actions, who knows how to apologize and change when he’s hurt me, someone who gives me everything he can.

But I think it’s much more than that.

It’s much more than just taking responsibility for what he does to me and for me. Love is much more than just doing the things he has to do for me. I think to love someone is to give not just what you have, but to also give even what you don’t. I think loving someone means doing something extra, always. And I hope it goes the same for you.

I hope you’re not just with someone who can’t sleep at night knowing you’re crying because of him. I hope you’re with someone who comforts you even when you’re crying about something totally different, even for something petty and absurd; someone who wipes away your tears even when he’s not the reason behind them. I hope you’re with someone who loves you so much that he can’t stand the pain of knowing you’re hurting, even when he wasn’t responsible for it. I hope he’s not just someone who calls you beautiful when you already feel that you are, but someone who calls you beautiful when you least expect to hear it. I hope he’s not just someone who eats breakfast with you, but someone who wakes up early to make breakfast for you. I hope he’s not just someone who always wants to see you, but someone who would actually go to you, no matter how far, just to get a glimpse of you.

I hope he’s not just someone who listens to your feelings about him, but also someone who listens to your feelings about others. And I hope he doesn’t just listen, I hope he likes it. I hope he loves it. I hope he listens to you like your voice is his favorite sound in the world.

I hope you’re with someone who’s not just there when you need them, but someone who’s there even when you don’t.

I hope you’re with someone who’s not only madly in love with you, but someone who also genuinely cares for you. I hope you’re with that kind of person. If you’re not, I hope you find that person, because you are worth it, and you deserve it.

And I also hope that you are that kind of person back to him.

I hope you’re also someone who doesn’t only heal people when you’ve caused them pain, but someone who stays beside them even when you don’t have to. Especially then. Because love can be measured through the things people don’t have to do for others, but they do anyway.

Love is going the extra mile, or ten miles, even when you don’t have to move an inch.

It’s giving 110% when you have to give 0. It’s not just the icing on the cake, it’s the cherry on top, too. Love is knowing you don’t have to step in, but you do anyway because you can’t stand the thought of the other hurting.

Love is not just giving what you have, it’s giving even what you don’t.

Love is not measured through the things you can give, it’s measured through the things you can’t give, but find a way to provide anyway. Love is doing all these difficult things, as if they’re as natural as breathing.

If you’re not this kind of person, it’s never too late. Do it. Go the extra ten miles. Give the extra 110%. And when you do, you’ll feel so much better. If he’s already doing it, then you’ll feel so much better for returning the favor. If he’s not, he might start doing it too, and you’ll feel so much better for strengthening each other. And when the one you’re with still isn’t this kind of person after everything you’ve attempted to give, you’ll feel so much better letting him go. Because you know how it feels to give more than what you have, and you know you’ll get what you deserve someday.

You might think that the extra mile is just a little thing. Yes, you might be right. But what we often forget is that it’s the little details that make a painting perfect, the little notes that make a song sound beautiful. It’s always the littlest things that leave the biggest impacts. And yes, to you it might just be one little mile, but to another person, it’s also 63,360 inches. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Kyra del Rosario

I like early morning and late-night coffee. Oh, and I’m a ninja-mermaid when nobody’s looking.

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