Kyle Eschenroeder

6 Ways To Get Your Dream Job

Make a commitment. No list is going to replace this simple rule. Commit and everything will follow. Flail in the direction you want to head and you will slowly find yourself closer and closer to where you want to be.

20 Reasons To Write A Book In Your 20s

You’ll have to study and organize information which means you’re going to need to understand it. There’s probably no better way to learn about a topic than to write a book about it.

5 Reasons You Should Stop Thinking About Your Purpose In Life

This tendency to tell stories can go too far. We easily succumb to the narrative fallacy. We can see tidy stories when the reality is chaos. It’s no surprise the neocortex also tries to tell us we need our lives to fit into a neat story. We need to fit ourselves into a narrative with a great purpose.

Some Suggestions For Navigating A World That’s 110% Bad

“Son, one day you are going to be hurt on a level that is unfathomable. One day everything you believe now is going to be shot in the face and you’re going to be left with an existential void that you’ll spend the rest of your life trying to figure out or forget.”