I Hope You Slowly Fall In Love With Life Again

I Hope You Slowly Fall In Love With Life Again

As life takes you from one misadventure to another, I see how you blink back the confusion that collects behind your eyes. You get up and go on to another day, ignoring the anxiety that dangles on your eyelashes.

You dauntless soul, there’s magic in your breath and it speaks your purpose. Every heartache and uncertainty is shaping up your perseverance, sharpening your faith.

I hope you slowly fall in love with the light that bathes your room, waking you up to a fresh morning. A morning that seems to hold the answers to every question. But as the sun sets, I hope you find beauty in the questions left unanswered.

There’s more to seek. There’s more that awaits. For the meantime, I hope you fall in love with the truth of what is.

Fall in love with the face of a child, wide-eyed at the unfolding of life. Hear their careless laughter as they tease the ocean waves. Watch them pick pebbles with delicate fingers.

Fall in love with the wildflowers, blooming without anyone tending to them. Fall in love with the rainy days and the summer heat.

Fall in love with the workday rush and meaningful pauses. Fall in love with solitude. With quiet, noise and hustle. With singing in the shower and dancing in front of the mirror.

Fall in love with words, with scribbling and painting and thinking. When the night falls, abandon your burdens and fall recklessly in love with the star-studded sky.

Fall in love with healing, with finding your way after being lost and broken.

Fall in love with the people that the Lord God places in your life. Love them in full with your big, wild heart. Don’t let heartaches wilt your compassion. Forgive, and let grace overflow.

Fall in love with the one who always wants to try. The one who stumbles but gathers courage to stand up again. Fall in love with the soul that’s been breathed upon you. Fall in love with the music in your lungs and the art on your fingertips. I hope you fall in love with you.

I hope you fall in love with life again. I hope you fall in love, open arms in total surrender, with the Giver of Life. I hope you spend the beats of your heart on love. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Kristine Mariz

A writer. A book butterfly. And whatever else God wants her to be.