I’m Sorry But I Just Can’t Let You Back In Anymore

Camila Cordeiro
Camila Cordeiro

I’m so afraid of being taken for a fool. Getting hurt again is the last thing I want. You’ve never hurt me when we were together, but you left one night without a reason and that was the hardest thing I’d had to go through. Now, you’ve come back and began knocking on my door again.

Here I am, however, telling you that I can’t let you back anymore…

I don’t deserve the heavy heart and the sleepless nights spent wondering why you’d left. There’s just no way I’m going to settle again for someone who decides, out of nowhere, that he’s going to walk out of my life and leave me dumbfounded. Hasn’t it ever crossed your mind that, if you really loved me, breaking my heart and begging for another chance whenever you feel like it wouldn’t even be an option?

You’re the reason why I am so much stronger and able to go for what I truly am worth now. Because of you, I’ve learned to respect myself. So, just as you’ve proved me wrong, about treating me better than everyone else, I’d already realized that moving on was the only thing left to do.

See, I’d be lying if I said that it doesn’t hurt. My heart is vulnerable, weak, and still battle-scarred from the pain you’ve brought upon it, but I’ve learned to take that hurt and use it to help me grow better and wiser. Which is why, because of you, I’ve learned to no longer stick to men who can’t make up their minds on whether they truly want me in their lives or not.

A man who is able to decide and be sure about his love for me is what I deserve, not someone who leaves and comes creeping back in slowly. Had I met you earlier in my life, when I was only a sucker for love and settled over all the boys who’d play me, I would’ve without a doubt welcomed you back with both my arms wide open.

It’s just that I’ve grown tired of playing games, and I’m now aware of the difference between love and pain, too.

So, if even for a second, you’d thought that I’d just forget about the fact that you can’t even be a hundred percent sure when it comes to me, you’ve never been more wrong your entire life.

This is me finally standing up for myself, dear. Something you’d always told me to learn how to do. Letting you back in is giving you the chance to hurt me again, that’s something I can’t let you do. So, you’ve got no other choice than to just look at me now and watch me be the strong woman you’ve let get away. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Kristel Verhaeghe

Where my failed love stories lay to rest.

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