Kovie Biakolo

Former Senior Writer & Cultural Advocate at Thought Catalog • Buy Conversations for Smart People • Connect on Twitter, Facebook, & Instagram

People At Coffee Shops

I am in coffee shops almost every single day. Between writing and school work, I probably spend a good 30 – 40 percent of the week in my favorite coffee shops, and yes I have more than one.

I Like You

Whenever we were in the same room, my eyes were drawn to you, and they still are, despite the passing of time.

Away From Home

Today is my baby sister’s birthday. The day she was born is the happiest day of my life; today is wonderful because of her.

There Is Right And Wrong

The phrase, “Do what feels right for you,” is a fruit of relativism and whenever I hear it, I am almost always left with a pang of apprehension.

Just “Be”

When you’re a twenty something, it’s a period of figuring out everything. But now, more than ever, when our responsibilities and obligations are for many of us, mostly to ourselves, maybe it’s a good time to learn how to just be.

Falling In Love With Yourself

I think that when you don’t fall in love with yourself, there is an expectation that the person you fall in love with, will fill the void of self-worth that is really up to you and I to fill for ourselves.