5 Struggles Only People With Studios Understand
Still, all of the above is still better than having a roommate, am I right #studiostrugglers?
1. Cutting food items (vegetables/fruits/protein) in awkward and uncomfortable positions.
Living in a studio gives one a great appreciation for the things in life that we often didn’t pay attention to before. Like kitchens counters – legitimate, wonderful, and spacious kitchen counters. When you live in a less than spacious apartment, cutting food items in a manner that is less than dignified (a.k.a with the cutting board on the floor, over the sink, or on the stove) is something that you learn to get used to. It is an art, it is a skill, and it is a constant reminder of why you need to make more money.
2. Small Bathrooms.
Ideally, an apartment bathroom is a place of solitude. Bathrooms are where we go to perform our most natural needs – for our body functions and personal hygiene. Bathrooms are the place we can and ought to be our truest selves. But when you live in a studio, bathrooms induce anxiety and self-hatred. They are ALWAYS too small, there is never enough cabinet space, and your add-on cabinet is never the perfect size. Not to mention constantly playing Keanu Reeves in the Matrix because one thing or the other always seems to be close to being knocked over when you’re in there.
Pro-Tip: Keep the toilet seat down when not in use. You’ll never know the day the wind will just hit your cabinet at the exact perfect angle to ensure your entire hand soap collection ends up in the toilet bowl.
3. Living in constant fear of unexpected visitors.
Nothing sends me into panic mode more than when I get a text, “I’m in your neighborhood. Are you at home? Can I drop by?” First of all, are you alone or with friends? Because depending on you answer, I could be at home or not. Chances are, your studio was indeed meant for one. Two is pushing it, but any more would create a fire hazard. Don’t come over to your friend’s studio unannounced, it’s not cool guys and girls. And please don’t bring new friends over. With the exception of showing them your kitchen/living room/bathroom in less than 30 seconds, there are really no advantages to this. Also, there is no such thing as entertaining “groups” of people in studios. Unless you live in a “studio” which is actually a multi-million dollar condo, “entertaining” doesn’t mean anything to you.
4. Forever-Messy.
In theory, having a studio should mean you have less stuff which means there should be less stuff to disorganize and less stuff that needs upkeep. In reality, everything just ends up piled on top of the other and you’re not quite sure how, but it happens.The minute one thing is out of place – everything is out of place. And so you’ll find yourself, forever-cleaning but forever-messy.
Pro-Tip: Raise your bed and buy more flat storage cabinets for under your bed. Minor change, major difference.
5. A studio is why you can’t have nice things.
Nice things such as throw pillows and overpriced decorations and “stuff” 20-somethings like to spend their money on for their apartments, are things that you don’t spend your money on. Studios require a minimalist’s lifestyle (Or you could be a hoarder, the choice is yours.) Personally, I’m okay with not owning a lot of things. The less stuff I have, the less stuff I have to move when I leave. BUT once in a while, it would be nice to walk past a nice table, couch, cabinet, etc. at a furniture store without having to burst into cynical laughter and bitter tears because there’s no way you could put it in your apartment anyway. Such is life.
Still, all of the above is better than having a roommate, am I right #studiostrugglers?