21 Signs You Are A Gym Rat
1. When you miss a fitness class or a workout, you genuinely feel a sense of guilt. You feel the need to explain yourself to everyone, from the reception greeters to the maintenance staff.
2. Speaking of the greeters and the maintenance staff, you are on a first-name basis with all of them. In fact, almost everyone who works at the gym knows your name, how many siblings you have, your star sign, etc.
3. You buy Holiday gifts/baked treats for the gym staff just because. And they definitely give you perks like letting you go in without swiping your gym pass or a free item from the gym restaurant/bar every now and then.
4. You’ve been invited to the gym’s EMPLOYEE Holiday party before.
5. You have the phone numbers of all your favorite instructors and they inform you when they have to unexpectedly get a sub for their class. When they’re going to be running late for class, they text you to inform the class they will be there shortly.
6. If you don’t tell your gym instructors that you’re on vacation or out of town for a period of time, they will call, text, email, Facebook, and Tweet you to make sure you’re not dead.
7. Fellow patrons come to you for advice about form, workouts, and whether you’ll join their sport-related event for charity.
8. Other gym rats never fail to comment, “You are always here!” (Obviously, if they always see you when you’re at the gym, that means they’re always there too.)
9. You have been asked more than once if you work at the gym.
10. You’ve also been mistaken for a personal trainer. (LOLOLOL…No.)
11. People always ask if you’d consider getting into fitness part-time or full-time. (You would but you wonder if this won’t get in the way of having time for your own work outs.)
12. You do laundry once a week solely because you don’t want you gym clothes sitting in the laundry basket, getting nasty. Alternatively, you have a laundry basket just for your gym clothes.
13. Speaking of gym clothes, they make up about 30 – 50% of your closet.
14. And you think shopping for gym clothes is the most enjoyable form of shopping. Example: Texts you’ve sent your friends, “AAAHHHH, my new sports bra is the SHIT!”
15. If you calculate how much you spend annually on your gym membership, gym clothes, add-on fitness classes, sports races, and team sports participation, you could probably have gone on at least one all-expense paid trip to Fiji. Maybe two.
16. You take more showers at the gym than in your own apartment.
17. Spending a total of 3 hours at the gym seems like a completely normal thing to do and you don’t understand why people think you’re strange.
18. You schedule dates around your gym schedule. “Well, I usually get done working out at 8 P.M. So you want to go to dinner at 9.30? “(And if your date can’t accept that, you know it’s probably never going to work.)
19. Speaking of, you don’t think you could date someone who doesn’t work out at all. It’s the first sign the relationship is simply going to fail. Nope, you’re not going there.
20. When people ask you to name a list of things you can’t live without. Your gym membership is in the top 5.
21.You wonder what exactly people do with their lives when they say things like, “I don’t work out.” No seriously, what do they do?