Kovie Biakolo

Former Senior Writer & Cultural Advocate at Thought Catalog • Buy Conversations for Smart People • Connect on Twitter, Facebook, & Instagram
Articles by
Kovie Biakolo
‘The Bachelor’ Reveals Another Race Problem: Biracial Black Vs. ‘Full Black’
The Bachelor had a conversation on race, but not the one it should have had.
Life Is Better When It’s A Little Uncertain
Comfort can be the greatest Achilles Heel.
The KKK vs. The Black Panthers
However “controversial” The BPP is perceived in history, they cannot occupy the same cultural memory as the Klan.
16 Insightful Quotes From America’s Greatest Black Thinkers And Scholars
“Never forget that justice is what love looks like in public.” – Cornel West
Kanye West Is Wrong But Taylor Swift Isn’t Right
And not just because she’s a subpar singer who is making loads of money from the occupation of being a pretty white girl in America.
What Different Cultures Can Teach Us About Modern Love
In many cultures, including the ones noted here, we see that time is of the essence.
7 Times Being Single Is Better Than Being In A Relationship
However you look at it, there is simply more freedom in being single, and sometimes that’s a good thing.
7 Times Being In A Relationship Is Better Than Being Single
Winter is a horrible time to be single.
The Universal Significance Of Ash Wednesday: ‘Remember That You Are Dust And To Dust You Shall Return’
For all of us, regardless of culture and creed, death is a reason to mourn.
What Do Young Adults Think Of Donald Trump? A Dialogue Between A Supporter And A Critic
But what, if anything, does it say about the country in 2016, that Trump has managed to galvanize the support he has?
Why Beyoncé’s ‘Formation’ Is A Cultural Game Changer
But its political stance is clear: pro-black and pro-woman; pro-black womanhood, as asserted by Beyoncé, the artist and the person.
Black Girls On ‘The Bachelor’: We Are All Jubilee
It might be unfair to say that Ben didn’t want Jubilee in the end, because she was black.
Boko Haram Committed A Massacre Last Weekend And The World Goes On In Silence
According to reports, Boko Haram burned 86 children alive in Dalori, a village in northern Nigeria.
25 Lessons About Beauty We Should Teach Girls When They’re Little
Your existence and worth as a human being is not attached to whether the world finds you beautiful.
The Power Of Regret (And Why You Should Always Choose Courage)
Regret’s power however, is in its sense of permanence.
Should White Women Be Considered A Minority In The United States?
As has been continuously said by people of color, the greatest beneficiaries of affirmative action has been white women.
7 Ways To Increase Your Attention Span (Because We’re Apparently Down To 8 Seconds 😱)
“Can you can pay attention longer than a goldfish?”