Koty Neelis

Former senior staff writer and producer at Thought Catalog.

How To Build A Family From Scratch

One thing happened after another and by the time I was 17 I was a high school drop out living on my own, supporting myself, and living in survival mode.

7 Types Of People You Meet While Traveling

They’ve been everywhere and done nearly everything but they don’t plan on going home anytime soon. In fact, they usually don’t have a “home.” Their world is their playground and somehow they have enough money to keep traveling. I’ve met this type on buses, in airports, and hostel bars.

I Broke Up With A Man In Subway

I met Paul at The Thunderbird, the only coffee shop in town that offered refuge for kids like us who were into art and music and politics but felt slighted in life, if only for the fact that we were born and raised in a small Michigan town.