Koty Neelis

Former senior staff writer and producer at Thought Catalog.

19 Signs Your Mom Is Your Best Friend

1. You call her every day or multiple times a day just to tell her about little things going on in your life and to find out what’s going in hers. If you go a day or two without talking you feel like something is missing.

In The Airport

Today’s look is something I’ve seen before. It’s a mixture of weariness and hope. It is evident by the way they hold their hands together, dry from the lack of moisture in the air and from flipping back the pages of bargain books they bought impulsively at the airport bookstore.

41 Instantly Relaxing Things

1. Dogs or cats – petting them, looking at them, loving them. 2. Videos of sloths being adorable. 3. Long baths. 4. The sound of rain while sleeping. 5. Full House reruns. 6. Walking around the house naked. 7.