Koty Neelis

Former senior staff writer and producer at Thought Catalog.

It’s Hard Being A People

It’s like you’re 18 and you feel weightless and untouchable and like this sort of freedom could last forever but then one morning you wake up and you’re almost 30, staring down at the bottom of your coffee cup, wondering if any of it happened at all.

When Did Travelers Become Such @ssholes?

I’ve always thought of travelers as those with a positive and open-minded spirit, but I can’t help get exceedingly annoyed by those who drench their conversations with pretentiousness over how people should or shouldn’t be while on the road.

23 Signs You’re A Pisces

1. You have a crazy intuitive nature and can sense other people’s feelings without them saying anything. You rely on your gut instinct when making decisions or sizing up a situation and you’re rarely wrong.

How To Be Alone On The Holidays

Wake up early. Go to the only grocery store open. Notice how desolate the city and streets become on days like today. Wander the aisles for an hour. Smile at the other customers who make eye contact with you.