This Is What Happens When A Golden Retriever And A Lamb Become Best Friends


I love Golden Retrievers. I love lambs. So is there anything more perfect than when two worlds collide and the two find themselves in an undeniable friendship?

The answer: no.

Tammy the Golden Retriever has been melting hearts forever, but most recently when she became besties with a little lamb named Stormy after Stormy was sadly rejected by her mother on a stormy night after being born, hence the name.

Cathy Fleury, dog mom to Tammy, helped out the lamb and after introducing her to Tammy, realized the two were inseparable. Tammy became the adoptive lamb mama and the rest is history! Check out the video below to see their friendship in action. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Koty Neelis

Former senior staff writer and producer at Thought Catalog.

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