Tarot for Coronavirus—This Week‘s Collective Energy To Guide You Through The Covid-19 Pandemic

This Week’s Collective Internal Energy:

The High Priestess—What’s That Stirring Inside?

Collectively, this week we are being asked to bring awareness to what’s happening inside—mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. I would take this a step further and say intuitively that we are being encouraged to dial down the noise and take the time to see if we can still our minds enough to hear our own inner guidance. For some of you, this may come more easily. Coronavirus may already be awakening consciousness for those practicing stillness and acceptance, whether you are ill or safely self-isolating. For others, plumbing the depths and connecting with their inner or “higher self” can be frightening. Our egos are seemingly created to feed on and generate one distraction after another, even during the quarantine when there isn’t much to do. It tends to grow stronger as you inch away from it. You’ll know you’re in the thick of it when you fluctuate between experiencing moments of clarity and moments where you find yourself moving from one compulsive behavior to another. Hang in there. With this much time spent alone, you may be edging into uncomfortable new territory. You may be getting flashes of insight if you’re aware enough to decipher them when they come up. Are there secrets you’ve been keeping, even from yourself? Are you even happy in that relationship, job, or social circle? This week, pay attention to what’s stirring inside.

Five of Pentacles—It Hurts

It’s hard this week for many of you, so please take care of yourself the best you can as you confront your individual circumstances. There will be loss, sadness, financial insecurity, and sickness either faced by you or those around you. As a caring human being, even if you’re hanging in there this week, as part of the collective, you will be feeling the despair of others on an energy level, like a radio frequency moving through you that suddenly shifts from white noise to a clear signal now and then. You might be chopping up veggies for dinner and find yourself hit with a wave of grief. You may cry when you see your dog’s face in the morning. You may never wish to remove yourself from the hot shower. You’re going to be feeling it this week, and I’m sorry to report this. The best option here is not to resist. Don’t try to put a happy face on it. You can call it what it is—this is the collective trauma. If you’re not experiencing acute suffering yourself, your job is to be a witness. Acknowledge the collective energy. Allow empathy to wash over you. If you’re inclined, write it all down.

Nine of Pentacles—Rely on Yourself

The Nine of Pentacles is all about making the most of solitary time. In normal circumstances, this card would indicate someone who is reaping the benefits of living independently. Someone who doesn’t ask for, or need, permission to take action on ideas they have. Someone who experiences joy in solitude and going it alone. In a pandemic where most of you are following shelter-in-place orders, this is the week to see how all of this alone time can benefit you. For example, what can you manage on your own this week that you would typically ask for help doing or achieve more conveniently? Are you making your own mask? Fixing that leaky sink? Making your own granola or bread, or writing or building something of your own? Are you taking online classes or researching a new career path? The advice here is to look at this solitary time as an opportunity.

This Week’s Collective Energy: External

Three of Cups—Recovery + Something to Celebrate

I am finding my own human bias hard to overcome here—I, too, am in isolation with my family and feeling the feels. But, the cards are saying there will be something to celebrate this week on a collective level. In health readings, this card would indicate a recovery after illness. This week, keep an eye out for positive news or trends. There may be clear indications that shelter-in-place is working in more places. Perhaps new developments or discoveries related to treatments for Coronavirus are made. God willing, could it be that much-needed supplies or help will arrive to Covid-19 hot spots? I am so curious and will have to keep an eye on the news this week. I need a dose of good news, don’t you?

The Hierophant—The High Priest

Our internal collective cards this week included the High Priestess, which is all about internal forces. I find it very interesting that the collective external energy this week is balanced out with The Heirophant, otherwise known as “The High Priest.” This may indicate a need for balance on the collective level. As we go deeper into our own intuitive awareness with the High Priestess, we must also be aware of our collective footprint on the institutional level. Follow the guidelines from experts. If you have something to contribute, do it. Get involved by writing your legislators. This week, keep an eye on how large institutional bodies respond, including governments, specialists, and corporations. I’m hoping this means we’ll see improvements in coordination this week.

Six of Cups—Nostalgia

You may notice people talking more about “the good old days” this week. Or, even find yourself obsessively watching, reading (while seeing others post about) shows, books, or music from the past. Perhaps you’re hanging out (virtually, of course) with people you haven’t seen in a long time or who live far away—people you think about sometimes but don’t think to call “during normal times.” This week, you’ll see people wanting to look backward for comfort and as a means of surviving the present. Remember what it feels like to hug your friends, to love music, or feel excited about something. If a nostalgia tour through every Happy Potter book or watching Friends reruns does that for you, go for it.

The Curve:

In honor of our friend, The Curve, which we are all trying to flatten, here’s your  “curve” card this week: meditation inspiration or advice to help you flatten your own curve (i.e., internal obstacle).

Six Of Wands—You Will Overcome

Hang in there. Trust that you will get through this—this period of isolation will end. Know the light is at the end of the tunnel this week, especially if you find yourself stuck in a few dark corners mentally. This will not last forever. Collectively, we will rebuild. There will be something gained from this period of hardship.

KJ Parish has been reading tarot cards for strangers for 15 years. While she believes we each play a vital role in shaping our lives, Tarot is exceptionally good as a reflective tool to provide guidance, insight, and different perspectives. This is a series of Tarot created specifically for coping during the global Covid-19 pandemic. May these readings bring you awareness and peace.

KJ Parish is a designer and the Art Director for Thought Catalog Books.

Keep up with KJ on Instagram and kjparish.com