Above All Else, I Hope You Choose These Things

Above All Else, I Hope You Choose These Things

I hope you choose kindness. Even when others are being cruel. When someone asks you to give them your heart all warm and full of trust, and they give you something makeshift and full of barbed wire in return: be kind. Some people need to feel your heart wrap around them more than you know.

I hope you choose empathy. Even when you don’t want to. When someone gives you reasons to judge them, to dislike them; when they behave in ways that you do not understand: be empathetic. Some people need you to walk a mile in their shoes.

I hope you choose calm. Even when you’re in the midst of chaos. When someone upends your world, and the rest of the world feels utterly upside down: be calm. Some people need you to be their safe haven.

I hope you choose peace. Even when wars rage within and around you. When someone tries to take you to battle, when it feels like your character and choices are under siege: be peaceful. Some people need your help learning to let go.

I hope you choose trust. Even in the face of falsehoods. When someone has dishonored you, when they have lied to you, when someone has made you feel small; remember that not everyone will do these same things: be trusting. Some people need you to take leaps of faith.

I hope you choose patience. Even when you are overwhelmed by unknowns. When someone cannot give you answers, when you begin to wonder why you’re here, when you simply want to give up: be patient. Some people are truly worth the wait.

I hope you choose love. Even when it would be easier to hate. When someone stirs white-hot rage within you, when they insult you, when they question your worth: be loving. Some people need your love more than you do. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Kirsten J Robinson

Author of Evergreen, a poetry collection that explores personal growth through light and darkness.