This Is The Love I Hope You Find In Your Life

God & Man

I hope you find a love that’s easy. Really easy. The type of love where there aren’t any mixed singles just you and this person looking at each other across the room and know you each have it best. The type of love where it isn’t all your effort but someone taking care of you the same.

I hope you find a love that’s simplistic.
One where you don’t have to try too hard to impress them. Yet they are impressed by everything you do. One where you can stay in watching movies and just because you are with each other it’s the best time of your life.

I hope you find a love that’s selfless. The type of person who would do anything for you with no questions asked. The type of love where someone simply has your best interest at heart. The type of love where you happiness makes up so much of theirs.

I hope you find a love that welcomes you. Welcomes you into their heart. Welcomes you into their home. The type of comfort where you can walk in because you know where the spare key is hidden. I hope you fall in love with their family and friends and you create this life together that’s the best thing to have happened to you.

I hope you find a love that’s willing to make sacrifices. The type of person who will meet you halfway. The type of person who would sacrifice something they want if it meant making you happy. I hope you find a love that lets you sleep uncomfortably on their arm even though they have pins and needles.

I hope you find a love that’s faithful. You look at them and you just know there isn’t anyone that can shake what you guys have. I hope you find someone who is both faithful when you’re around and behind your back. The type of person who will shut anyone down because they know you’re better.

I hope you find a love that forgives you. The type of person who can see you make mistakes but also helps you to learn from it. The type of person who can see you at your worst and still think you’re attractive. The type of person who understands you aren’t perfect but looks at you like you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to them, flaws and all.

I hope you find a love that supports you. Someone who not only supports your dreams but wants to see you do well more than you do. The type of person who will help you to achieve it. I hope you find someone who jumps two feet first into the things you care about. Because in knowing that they learn more about you.

I hope you find a love that will fight for you. Someone who will always be in your corner. Someone who will always fight for you and the relationship you have. Even when you have doubts they don’t. I hope you find someone who would anything to be with you. The type of person who won’t let you walk away but goes after you if you try to.
I hope you find someone who heals you. I hope you find someone who teaches you, you didn’t deserve what happened to you in the past. Someone who loves you so hard, you don’t feel the pain you used to carry. I hope you find someone who makes you grateful for the wounds of your past because it was in every failed relationship you found each other.

I hope you find a love that appreciates you. I hope you find the type of love that never stops saying thank you. The type of love that even after a long time they are still impressed by what you do for them. Someone who truly values you for all you are and the person you make them.

I hope you find a love that never hurts. I hope you never have to know what it’s like to live without the person you love. I hope they never have to learn your value by walking away. I hope you find a love who makes sure more happy than they ever do sad. I hope you find a love that never has to hurt you.

I hope you find a love that is forever. But most of all I hope you find a love that’s forever. A love story other people look at with envy. I hope you find that love that you can look back at after 50 years and you don’t how you made it exactly but all you know is looking at this person you made it.

I hope you find a love that’s your best friend. Your loudest laugh. Your biggest smile. Your number one fan. Your happiest memories. And every best day of your life. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Kirsten Corley

Writer living in Hoboken, NJ with my 2 dogs.

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