Kirsten Chen

5 Things We Can All Learn From Kacy Catanzaro

On July 14th, 2014, Kacy Catanzaro made history for absolutely crushing it on American Ninja Warrior (ANW) as the first woman in the show’s history to qualify for national finals in Las Vegas.

The Different Types Of Weddings There Are

Sure, The Hangover and Britney Spears make it seem like a not-so great decision, but is it really so bad to get hitched on impulse while intoxicated and chock-full of illegal substances?

10 Best Over-Played Songs

Because if you didn’t fall madly in love with your middle school/high school/college crush to this song or buy a black studded belt and immediately proclaim yourself as “emo” upon first listen, then you are either a dirty, filthy liar, a sociopath with no regard to human emotion, or too young/old for this song to be relevant. That’s it, hands down, no exceptions.

Explaining The Stages Of Anger

The most popular frustration triggers consist of a multi-pronged attack of petty annoyances in a short time-frame, your overbearing mother taking one too many jabs at your emotional psyche on the wrong day or your weird, craigslist roommate simply being present, yet again. Like, don’t they have anywhere else to be?