Breathe—This Will Pass

Life flows as it flows, though sometimes some people have more luck than others. It doesn’t mean that the Universe has something against you. It doesn’t mean everyone is out to get you.


This is for those who have their portion of bad luck and hopeless days. For those who have trouble getting out of bed each day and for those who don’t seem to see the use in life anymore—this is for you.

Life seems even harder to live by when it hasn’t been your day, month, or even year. It’s hard to stay hopeful when nothing really works out as planned. We all are winging life as we go through phases of warmth and love and empty phases of loneliness. It’s the sunny days that we long for all year long, but it’s those difficult days that can teach us something to make us into a more resilient person. Each day is a new chance to take on the challenges that life throws at us.

Life flows as it flows, though sometimes some people have more luck than others. It doesn’t mean that the Universe has something against you. It doesn’t mean everyone is out to get you. We are only able to see things from our own perspective, hence thinking that there must be something wrong with ourselves when we go through traumatic experiences. No matter how horrifying and devastating those situations were, they are now in the past.

Slow down for a bit and breathe—this will pass too.

For the sake of your own well-being, you should let go of the things that have hurt you in the past. You should be able to let things pass the way it could serve you in a healthy way. Be angry when you need to lash out, but don’t stay angry forever, because it will pass. Be disappointed when you have miscalculated your expectations towards certain people, but don’t stay disappointed forever while others have probably already have moved on with their life. Feel anything that you need to feel in order to properly progress what has happened, but don’t stay forever in that space where you don’t allow yourself to pass on with your life. You are not doing anyone a favor by letting old wounds open up again. Instead, you are doing it for your own sake—you are doing yourself a big favor.

Breathe—whatever you are going through now, this will pass.

It will pass if you allow it to pass. It will pass if you let go of your ego and the belief that you are a victim in life. Because you are not. You have control of your life—maybe not everything that happens, but you do have your perception of life in hand by deciding to believe that everyone goes through stuff and that you go through the same. It doesn’t mean you can’t feel demotivated by it when you can’t seem to navigate through this messiness. But don’t drown yourself in a pool of self-pity, because everything eventually will pass. It will pass when it passes.

So give yourself a pat on the shoulder and be proud of the things that you have overcome. All good things may come to an end, but please remember, it’s the same with those moments you wish you could erase and pretend didn’t happen.

Breathe—this too will pass. Thought Catalog Logo Mark