Kim Quindlen
I’m a staff writer for Thought Catalog. I like comedy and improv. I live in Chicago. My Uber rating is just okay.
The Main Reasons I Haven’t Yet Become Someone Who Meditates
Because I’m afraid it’s going to change my life for the better and sometimes good things feel really scary before they begin.
15 Things To Like Today That Are Good But Not Great
A tv show that’s pretty good but not your favorite thing ever but you’re finishing it anyway so that you can say you finished it.
21 Things I Have NOT Learned In My Twenties Hi Hello How Do I Learn Them
How to take a shower and then not lay on my bed doing nothing for 16 minutes afterwards.
29 Little Things That Undeniably Tell You Who You Are More Than Anything Else
The way you speak to strangers when you’re in a bad mood.
Here Are All The Irrational Things The Thought Catalog Staff Worries About So You Can Be Reassured That You’re Not The Only One
“Whenever I’m eating hard candy or like, a cough drop, and I go to bite it, I wonder if this is the time it’ll crack my tooth.”
Things To Think About In January That Are Not Self-Improvement
Here you go – something to read that’s not about resolutions.
All The Ways To Categorize Your Instagram Stories
The one where you make everyone hear about the recipe you’re trying but then it turns out horribly so you delete it but now the 72 people who stuck by you through this shitty ordeal are now pissed.
All The Words That Helped Me Get Through 2017
“Superfluous.” Because it’s a funny word to say. And because a lot of the things in my life that I worry about are superfluous.
I Like Ordinary Love
I like waking up and finding out that this really is all there is.
8 Tiny Habits That Will Make You More Productive And Will Also Vanquish The Ghost That’s Haunting Your Apartment
Read more books! Start with the New York Times best seller list and finish with nonfiction that has been written about expelling unwanted residence phantoms.
Welcome To The Second Week Of January, When You’re Bad At Life Again
You gave Week One of 2018 a good run.
It’s Me, Your Creativity Notebook
I’m not some $2 spiral pad from Walgreens. I’m Moleskin, bitch.
A January To-Do List Versus A September To-Do List
January: Cleanse life of all drama.
September: Sniff out drama like a starving jungle cat.
16 Uncomfortable Signs Your Breakup Was The Right Choice (Even If You’re In Pain)
Even through all the pain, you like the fact that you’d rather be uncomfortable and be moving towards growth than be comfortable and stagnant.
20 Ways You Made 2017 Harder Than It Had To Be (Without Even Realizing It)
You let other people tell you why you could or couldn’t love yourself, forgetting that that permission belongs 100% to you and only you.
18 Things To Stop Apologizing For In 2018
The fact that sometimes or a lot of times you have this human desire to be validated and you try to find that validation inwardly but sometimes it’s hard and you fail.
Stay Single Until You Become A Person Like This
Stay single until falling in love means finding a partner, not a purpose.
How To Work From Home In 68 Easy Steps
This is your key to a ~*life changing*~ work experience.