Let’s Pretend It’s 1955

Clem Onojeghuo

Let’s pretend it’s 1955. Warm summer nights , cotton candy breath, bouncy curls, sweetheart necklines and a gentlemen with a boyish grin.
Let’s pretend we don’t have the advanced technology of today.

Where communication is made easy but, no ones talking. Let’s swap “I’m here” texts with men who walk to your door and ring the doorbell. Let’s swap rose emojis with a fresh bouquet of flowers. Let’s swap “send me a picture” with “I’d love to see you again”. Let’s swap texts for messy, hand written letters.

Let’s bring back frothy milkshakes in old diners that are full of character. Let’s put coins in the jukebox and dance like no one is watching. Let’s swing on the swing set at the park to the best in Motown. Let’s drive with the top down, open highway with oversized sunglasses, a fancy head scarf in the wind and so much gel, his hair doesn’t budge.

Let’s pretend it’s 1955. Engraved leather jackets on the shoulders of girls in poodle skirts, promise rings and heart shaped lockets. Let’s check our mailboxes at the front of our driveways for love notes; instead of refreshing our inboxes for read receipts.

Let’s meet organically at the local shindig, at the weekly dance – followed by slow walks home, holding sweaty palms and looking at stars you could almost touch. Let’s talk about “going steady” instead of wondering where we stand.

Let’s pretend it’s 1955 and revel in old fashioned, pure, unfiltered love. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Kelsey Lauren

I’m Kelsey. I’m a chocoholic and a teacup collector.

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