Kellen Powell
Articles by
Kellen Powell
The Myth Of The Boring-Ass Job
There’s a tendency among millennials to characterize an imaginary 99% of the general population as “uncreative” or “boring.”
Time Is A Fat Circle – The Rust Cohle “True Detective” Diet
Part of makes Rust Cohle’s dime store metaphysical nihilism so palatable has a lot to do with the fact that he’s an extremely handsome individual. An ugly or fat person would never get away with developing such an unpleasant personality.
10 Things Only People That Grew Up In Manhattan Will Understand
A native Manhattanite’s zip code defines everything about them.
Blackfish And The Oscars: This Documentary Is Nothing But A Sensationalist Thriller
One of my biggest pet peeves is people who watch a documentary about a subject and then immediately use it as the basis for their viewpoint.
9 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make
I work in close proximity to entrepreneurs and investors from all over the world. The work is way more interesting than I thought it would be when I took my job three years ago and it’s been rewarding to know that what I’m doing at the end of the day is helping startups and small businesses get the resources they need.