Don’t Accept And Don’t Settle

We were brought up to believe and understand that it is important to accept people as they are. That’s an upstanding principle to live by. And truthfully, life would be far more tolerable if we all applied this principle on a daily basis. If we could have a moment of honesty here, we just aren’t entirely capable of accepting everything that comes with a person. Especially in relationships. Ethically speaking, we should always practice tolerance for fellow humans. Relationship wise, don’t accept anything you don’t agree with. You’ll wind up hating instead of loving.

Don’t accept someone that toys with you emotionally. That should go without saying but we’ve all made this mistake once or twice. Emotions are more than just words that describe moods. Emotions are part of our being; our existence; our soul. Emotions are true and involuntary. Emotions affect our perspectives and the ways we choose to live life. Emotions are key components to mental health and our overall well-being. Emotions are not to be toyed around with. Protect yourself from those who feel that it is okay to turn you into an emotional playground. You shouldn’t accept anything that causes you harm. Don’t accept anything from anyone that won’t take your feelings into consideration.

Again, don’t accept anything you don’t agree with. If someone is noncommittal but you’re looking for a commitment, it’s best to move on. If someone doesn’t want children but you want them, don’t wait around hoping that they’d change their mind. If someone wants to have multiple partners but you’re more of a monogamist, don’t settle for that. Compromise is one thing, but you don’t always have to compromise. It’s okay to decide that you don’t want to deal with certain aspects that come with people.

“Accept my flaws and all,” is a common statement, but I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to do it. If the flaw presents itself as something that may be a deal breaker for you, break the deal. Don’t waste time trying to make excuses and make yourself feel bad for not wanting to deal with someone else’s short comings. No one owes you anything so always keep in mind the same for yourself. You’re not in the wrong for being intolerant to anything less than what you deserve. And you deserve the world.

About the author

Keara Steele

I am a growing soul that is ever-changing and ever-present.