Kayla Phillip

Graduate student, Writer and Lifestyle Blogger.

Articles by
Kayla Phillip

Today I Wanted To Get Over You

Today I wanted to get over you. Your name was the first thing that greeted my mind when I opened my eyes. I then took a shower to drown out all the traces of your touch.

You Deserve Better

I know you think that if you hold out a little longer, he’ll change his mind. But he won’t. And that’s okay because he’s not the one for you. 

What We Take Away From Our Parents About Love

It wasn’t until recently that I realized why I was attracted to guys who weren’t vocal about their emotions or are affectionate. The answer was because that’s how my parents were.

To The Boy I Once Loved

For 7 years we played tug of war for my love and I was tired of letting you win. My heart couldn’t hold the weight anymore. My feet grew weak from chasing after you 

It’s Time To Let Him Go

The longer you prolong this process is the deeper you’ll be in it making it difficult to get out of.