8 Things Every Girl Needs To Remember While Growing Up

If you want happiness you must first be happy. Anything that you attract in your life should be a positive attribution to what you already posse. We actually teach others how to treat us, always demand respect.
Annie Gray

One decision, can change the rest of your life forever. May that be the decision to believe in yourself in that exact moment or the intuition you feel deep down inside telling you no. That’s all it takes, one decision to lay the foundation of your life story. A million things will seem to go wrong, but I can promise you that two million will go right. You will laugh, cry, love, hurt and regret. But most importantly, you will grow. As the days progress and you put one foot in front of the other, this is what I want you to know:

1. When you “grow up” you can be anything you want to be.

Do not make the mistake of believing that you can only be one thing in life. You do not have to pick motherhood over a career. Nor, do not have to pick being a wife over being a CEO. Be ambitious, work hard and have it all. You can be that female business owner of the Fortune 500 company whose husband sends flowers every Friday and the PTO mom that makes it to every child sporting event. Your life is what you make it, dream big.

2. Your girlfriends are your true soulmates, do not forget about them.

Friendship will always be the one constant thing in your life, do not take it for granted. Life will happen, men will come and go but your girlfriends will always be there to stay. They say that if a friendship last more than 7 years, it will last a lifetime. Nurture these friendships, because I promise you there will be many times that you need your girlfriends to dry your eyes and remind you of just who the hell you are!

3. Be good to yourself. You are the only person who is going to give yourself everything.

As William Shakespeare once said, “Expectation is the root of all heartache.” If you are going to bet on anyone, bet on yourself.

4. Stay away from people who make you feel like you are hard to love.

You will recognize when this happens and when it does, walk away. This person is not meant to be in your life, only a part of your story. Do NOT lower your standards, sacrifice your wants, or change the person you are. Doing so will only leave you unhappy, regretful and bitter.

5. You get in life what you have the courage to ask for.

Under no circumstances should you ever be the woman with a mind but not a voice. Speak up! Demand the raise that you deserve, confess your love and fight for what you believe in. If you never ask the answer is always no.

6. You will know the truth by the way it makes you feel.

There is a reason that your gut is referred to as your “second brain”. There are studies that prove actual nerve and chemical connections between the two, listen to it. If in any aspect of life something seems too good to be true or just does not feel right, it isn’t right for you.

7. You attract what you are, not what you want.

If you want friendship you must first be a friend. If you want love you must love. If you want happiness you must first be happy. Anything that you attract in your life should be a positive attribution to what you already posse. We actually teach others how to treat us, always demand respect.

8. Your worth is not determined by what other people choose to see in you.

You will have one person in your lifetime that sees everything that you are. They will see the storm and the sunshine. The darkness and the light, knowing that each piece is what makes your heart beautiful. This will be the person that knows you better than you know yourself. Value this person’s opinion and let go of all the others that make you feel as though you are not good enough. I promise you that you are. After all, they truly are not seeing you for all that you are. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Kayla Diebold

The girl that never sleeps because her mind is constantly wondering.

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