5 Qualities All Booklovers Share

Flickr / Leo Hidalgo
Flickr / Leo Hidalgo

1. People who love reading can spend hours getting lost in bookstores…and actually enjoy themselves.

Non-book readers cannot seem to understand how inspiring a trip to the bookstore can become. It’s easy to scour bookshelves, spending countless hours analyzing various novel descriptions, and determining whether that piece of literature is worth your time. The bookstore is a novel enthusiast’s haven, and it’s commonplace to find readers perched in a corner with a stack of books, blissfully ignoring the passing time.

2. All readers know the best way to escape a stressful situation is to get lost in a pseudo-reality found in a new book.

Some people turn to yoga to avoid stress, whereas readers know that the best way to avoid stressful situations is by simply finding a new book to love. Why stress about bills when you can immerse yourself in a novel’s dramatic love triangle?

3. Avid readers know authors like they’re personal friends.

People who read books often have strong opinions about various authors, and can discuss various writing styles with ease. In the same way that people who love fashion follow fashion bloggers, readers follow their favorite authors. With the introduction of technology, authors are able to become celebrities. For example, John Green, the author of many young adult novels, has over two million followers on Instagram. Fans of certain novels inadvertently want to follow the creative minds who penned them.

4. A significant amount of one’s paycheck is spent on books, and somehow, the total at the register is always a surprise.

Books are not cheap. This is a concept that most reading obsessed people forget when they get overwhelmed with joy at a bookstore. It’s commonplace to see booklovers walk into Barnes and Nobles looking for a single book, and heading to the checkout with a stack. Now, a lot of people utilize ebooks in today’s world, but these can be even more dangerous, because purchases are made with the simple click of a button. It only takes a few moments to download five new books onto one’s Kindle.

5. Book lovers know that a movie will never be a substitute for a well-written novel.

Sure, it’s less time consuming to spend two hours watching a movie, however, reading a book will prove to be much more satisfying. True book lovers appreciate the structure of words, the art of creating paragraphs, and the grueling process of novel writing. A movie adaption of a book might be well done, however, it cannot serve as a substitute for the actual experience of reading the novel as a whole. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Katy Colvin

Passionate about carbs and the Oxford comma.

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