20 Life Lessons That Are Super Annoying And Cliché, But Extremely Useful For All 20 Somethings

1. If you’re really, really, depressed—to the point where you’re feeling a darkness you’ve never even kind of met before, pay attention to that. Some people will tell you to “smile through it”. Uhm, don’t do that. Do the opposite of that. Tell someone.

2. It’s nice to daydream, and to picture a romantic, adorable, and hilarious future.

3. Your tolerance for bullshit is slooooowwwwwly, but surely, going to dissipate.

4. Getting drunk and silly is a double-edged sword beyond comparison. Sometimes, you’ll get so drunk and silly that you’ll wake up the next day completely hating yourself. Sometimes, you’ll get so drunk and silly, that you’ll wake up the next day completely owning it. It’s like a tequila-fueled seesaw.

5. Confidence can REALLY improve your life and stuff. Like the other day I successfully backed out of a Dairy Queen parking lot, because like.. I told myself I could do it.

6. You’ll either embrace more self-awareness or completely shoot your self-awareness in the face. Essentially, you’ll either want to improve yourself and open up to people, or you’ll just refuse to face things you have going on in your life.

7. Be careful of the pain you bury the deepest. It could destroy you if you attempt to pretend it’s not there.

8. Good men and women exist. Stop hanging out under the ones who think you’re less than spectacular—you’ll meet plenty of these people elsewhere.

9. Television, the public library, and flavored teas are essentially hugs from the universe.

10. Trying new things is exciting. However, letting people pressure you into shit that you are just NOT into, you’re not 12 girl. SAY BYE.

11. A continuation of the previous lesson: It’s okay to not be ready for something.

12. If you’re priorities are not hurting anyone, including yourself, it’s okay to have them. Don’t let anyone tell you that being an ambitious adult who puts his or her aspirations first is wrong. ARE YO CRITICS GONNA PAY YO BILLS?

13. Speaking of your critics—your harshest, most unfair, and caustic critics—they’re usually the most scared. They walk around every day and feel a deep, deep hole of sadness and fear in their stomachs. What’s also horrifying is that they’re usually afraid of the same things you are (including but not limited to: not getting a good job/being talented at said job, shallow relationships with unkind humans, dying alone, etc.).

14. FREE STUFF IS ACTUALLY EVERYTHING. I mean, read the fine print and everything, but YES I will take this free Hillary Clinton poster of her texting in sunglasses and send it to my friend who is her #1 fan like THANK UUUU~~

15. If you have a loyal family member who you love dearly, call this person. Text this person. Knit this person a pot holder. God, breathe in their direction. Just do it. You’ll meet a lot of people who do not have this luxury.

16. If you think someone or something is worth fighting for, do it. The person, place, or thing may not choose you back, but you’ll look back with pride, knowing that you tried.


18. Quirkiness is SO IN, Y’ALL.

19. Asking for help is so immensely difficult. Asking for help is so immensely important.

20. The best is yet to come. I may have just quoted Winnie the Pooh. I stand by it. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Katie Tamola

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