Katie Mather
Ranking The Zodiac Signs By — Oh My God, I Can’t Stop Thinking About How Terrible Everything Is
Aries: Love is in the air for you! Wow, you should be thrilled that—honestly, guys, I can’t do it. Every time I go on the internet something worse has happened. Also I don’t know anything about zodiac signs.
17 Things I Used To Think Were Very Cool, But Now Stress Me Out
Having a crush on someone. ALSO someone having a crush on me. Crushes in general.
6 Signs He Totally Loves You And — Actually, Who Cares, Everything Is A Disaster
He still flirts with you, no matter how long you’ve been together. The flirting thing used to be really cute, but why can’t you remember who he voted for? Does anyone else just feel like crying all the time now?
We’re Okay Now (I Think)
I spent two weeks without any alcohol—and my head stopped hurting in the morning and I didn’t throw up in any kitchen sinks and I didn’t have to make any phone calls to apologize and I didn’t eat a spring roll while sitting on the floor of my shower and I didn’t ever at all think it was an appropriate idea to FaceTime the guy I used to like three times at 3:34AM. I just felt fine.
Under Different Circumstances
I think about how she smiles without her teeth in all of her pictures and you used to make fun of me for how loud my laugh is, which just shows how fundamentally different the reasons for why anyone would and should be interested in either of us are.
A Series Of Things I Can’t Remember Anymore
Your apartment had a very distinct smell that I remember almost crying over during our last day sitting around on that super shitty couch (remember how the back of the couch was broken?) and you were taking post-its off the wall and I felt like my head was blowing up like a balloon because of how hard I was keeping it all together.
Okay, But What If I’m The Villain?
I do not believe in signs or stars aligning or fate or whatever, but when I came back from California, my other friend was filling me in on her sort-of-ex’s actions from the 10 days I was gone. And instead of suggesting we curse him or something, I just blurted out: “Oh my god, that’s what I do to other people too.”
Things Are Weird Right Now (But I’m Mostly Fine)
Someone told me recently that the lack of oxygen on airplanes makes it easier to cry, so maybe that’s why I’m more of a nightmare while flying. When I got to my seat—18C, aisle seat always, near the exit row because I’m a control freak—I knew this flight was going to be particularly rough because I had A LOT I didn’t want to think about.
Four Sentences On How It Ended
Towards The End, I was entirely silent, and I can’t tell if that’s a fault of my overall character or telling of how numb I was to everything that was happening.
This Is A Generic Internet Article About Dating (This Is 100% Specifically About You)
Hello there, generic internet audience. It is I, a generic 20-something writer living in New York City, here to bestow upon you some generic advice about love and dating and relationships (sup Jake, are you still checking in on me?).
A Definitive List Of The Stupid Things I’ve Done Recently
I still check his social media!!! Even though we don’t talk!!! I still get butterflies when there’s something new!!! What the FUCK!!!
21 Stages Of Going Out With Friends Who Are Way Hotter Than You
There is nothing men fear more than the hot girl’s friend coming over to join the conversation. It is the universal code for Game Over.
Intimate Things I Love About Female Friendships
The warmth and satisfaction that comes from finishing a serious, emotionally-draining, and vulnerable conversation—especially late at night and especially if not pre-planned.
Questions To Ask Yourself If You’re Wondering Whether You’re Reading Another Millennial Think Piece
It happens to everyone. You’re in the middle of reading something on your lunch break and your heart sinks. Is this another millennial think piece on ‘Girls’?!?????
Cutting The Umbilical Cord: How To Do Grown-Up Stuff Without Mom And Dad
I developed good habits that really worked for me and as time went on I felt more and more fulfilled by my grown-up existence.
I Am The Worst Dressed Person Here
I have no idea where it comes from. Aren’t clothes supposed to be a reflection of who you are? Or who you think you are? Oh no.
Thank You For Noticing That, Yes, I Am A Cool Girl
I’m just one of the guys, but in the body of a really hot girl.
My Relationship With Grocery Stores, In Four Parts
We’d wander around the aisles at 10pm and almost always forget to buy the things he said he needed to get in the first place.