The All-Time Best Bedrooms From Early 2000s Teen Movies

Bring It On (2000)

Bring It On
Bring It On
Bring It On

I have seen this movie maybe 40,000 times. It’s one of those movies where if it’s playing on cable, I will absolutely watch it no matter what mood I’m in.

Important things to note: Kirsten Dunst’s capri pajama pants, the brightly colored bedroom walls, band posters + records + guitar = recipe for every Cool Guy love interest in any early 2000s movie.

Princess Diaries (2001)

The Pricnes Diaries
The Pricnes Diaries
The Pricnes Diaries

Uh, this loft was fucking awesome. I’d sell my soul and move to San Francisco if I could afford to live in this apartment with just an artist’s salary. Anne Hathaway’s best role to date — one of the best makeover scenes in cinematic history.

Important things to note: The spiral staircase. That natural lighting. The open concept floor plan. I would never leave.

Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen (2004)

Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen

Talking about Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen is actually a little bit of a sore spot for me because everyone I’ve ever met tells me I look like Allison Pill in this movie, which is greeeeeeaaaaaaaaaat.

Important things to note: Lola’s name in wooden block letters on her wall, the candles, that white fuzzy hat sitting on top of a bright pink feather boa, too many colors, that rug.

Juno (2007)


Every Cool Girl at my middle school saw this movie and loved it. Which is weird, because I went to a Catholic all-girls middle school in Connecticut, so I’m not sure what they found relatable at the time. Ellen Page in this movie helped start the DGAF Funny Girl movement. Michael Cera played himself, as always.

Important things to note: Hot guy posters all over the walls (my mom would NEVER let me do this!!!!!), landline phones with cords (and, obviously, the famous hamburger phone), the knee socks.

Mean Girls (2004)

Mean Girls
Mean Girls

Lindsay Lohan is going to show up a lot in this list because she ran the early 2000s.

Important things to note: The fucking CANOPY BED (my dream), the Avril Lavigne poster, the stereo system, tons of decorative pillows.

Aquamarine (2006)


I can barely watch American Horror Story seasons with Emma Roberts because this movie was one of my first introductions to her (along with that show she did on… Nickelodeon? Where she played the guitar? She always had great sequined graphic tank tops.)

Important things to note: The seashells everywhere, jumping on the bed, the huge stack of magazines, the pink and green chair Emma Roberts is sitting on (everything in the early 2000s was pink and green), JOJO.

John Tucker Must Die (2006)

John Tucker Must Die

I have accidentally seen this movie so many times, but can barely tell you what happens. Totally forgot Brittany Snow was in this.

Important things to note: That CD player in the back, the eating junk food on the bed, ASHANTI!!! wearing a shirt that’s unbuttoned and tied around her waist AND A GOLD BANGLE.

Freaky Friday (2003)

Freaky Friday
Freaky Friday

I miss Lindsay Lohan.

Important things to note: The Parental Advisory poster on her door, her WHOLE OUTFIT, the insane photo collage above her bed, Jamie Lee Curtis pulling her out of bed so she can get to school on time. Classic.

Special Mention: Clueless (1995)


I’m including this one because, even though it didn’t come out during the early 2000s, I think I watched this at almost every sleepover I went to between 2001 and 2005. Which is sort of inappropriate, looking back on it now.

Important things to note: The CLOTHES, the knee socks (again), the pink striped wallpaper, the subtle zebra print arm chair, the tri mirror vanity of my dreams. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Katie Mather


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