Katie Hoffman
Articles by
Katie Hoffman
Read This The Next Time An Employer Rejects You
You swore you weren’t going to get your hopes up this time.
5 Things That Are More Important To Give Up Than Carbs
We all want things our way, on our terms, and sometimes we’re entirely too quick to sulk when we should be taking a breath and accepting that sometimes things take time.
8 Things You Need To Know About Your Brand New iPhone 6
Navigating through iPhone will be easier than ever before, but only after you get used to iOS 8, which, with any luck, will completely ruin your life like iOS 7 did when it was released.
26 Struggles That Never Existed Before Instagram
You’ve paused a conversation with, “Hold on, let me Instagram this really quick.”
16 Times You Never Want Anyone Talking You
When you’re being creepy on some hot person’s Instagram. Small talk leads to accidental double taps.
20 Things All Dog Owners Know To Be True
You could easily make a list of human beings you like less than your dog, and it wouldn’t be short.
15 Rude Things You’d Secretly Love To Say To Your Parents Sometimes
“I’ve already explained to you how ______ works at least seven times, and if I explain it again part of me is going to die.”
The Truth About What Happens To Your High School Friends When You Go To College
Letting your friends go for any reason is never easy, but never feel threatened by the benefits of splitting up so each of you can walk your own path for a little while.
10 Bittersweet Reasons To Actually Miss Going Back To School
I remember a time when I’d lose my mind over a fresh package of ballpoint pens from Office Depot. Now, I rely on naps and tea to keep me from turning into Patrick Bateman.
8 Times It’s Totally Okay To Be Unapologetically Selfish
When you need to distance yourself from someone who’s bringing you down.
The Plight Of Being Very Pale And Very, Very Sunburned
It’s a tale of a sunscreen SPF overestimation, indolent clouds, and an unexpected face-down ass-up nap in a chaise lounge by the pool. This saga would recount the hours I spent immediately after my sun exposure, during which I increasingly felt crabbier (no pun intended) and crabbier as the full extent of the burn set in.
16 Dinner Companions You Never, Ever Want To Have
Picky appetizer people ruin meals (and lives).
18 Ways To Be Super Patriotic This 4th Of July
Be sure to share at least three pictures from different points in the show to really show how proud you are to be an American.
15 Things We Need To Remember About Having Opinions
4.“Sharing your opinion” doesn’t translate to “putting someone in a headlock until he or she agrees with you.”
20 Silver Linings To Being Single On Valentine’s Day
If the only thing you’re “in the mood” for is a greasy bag of cheeseburgers from White Castle, no one’s feelings will be hurt.
5 Things To Keep In Mind Before You Ditch The Gym This Year
Don’t let the potential for what someone could think hinder or halt your progress.
Why Trying To Find A Regular Hairdresser Is A Lot Like Dating
I don’t have anybody in my corner — it’s just me, a picture of a celebrity whose $1,000 haircut won’t look the same on my head, and months of desperate bobby pinning.
Odd Man Out: Why You Don’t Have To Like Everyone Your Friends Like
But by that same token, there’s a big difference between respectfully, but still causelessly, disapproving of someone and being outright rude and ignorant toward them for no reason. Disliking someone doesn’t give you a free pass to act like a jerk.