Katie Cole

Articles by
Katie Cole

This Is How I Know I’m Over You

There are small occurrences that remind me my heart has not completely died. It has shut off for a while, but it is just waiting for the right time to start up again.

I Choose You

I think this could be something really wonderful but we’re not going to know unless both of us take a risk and jump. I will stand here and make you a promise that I will look out and catch you.

Save Your Apology For Someone Who Believes It

I may not be with anyone, but I’ve got enough self-respect to know that I deserve someone who values me. I don’t deserve someone that treats me so appallingly, and neither does she.

Why I Still Identify With Carrie Bradshaw

We’ve all had a moment when we think we have hit the lowest of low because someone we cared about threw up a fifty foot barbed wire fence and suffocated all feeling out of us with their words.