girls blowing glitter

I Hope 2018 Is Your Year

I hope 2018 is the year you stopped hurting yourself and start loving yourself instead.


girls blowing glitter

I hope 2018 is the year you finally get to choose yourself. Maybe this time, it’s the moment that you’ll finally let go of the people who had pulled you down and push yourself to stand up and be strong and independent.

I hope 2018 is the year you finally realize that you don’t need anybody to complete you. You are whole yourself and you don’t need any validation from anyone around you for you to accept who you really are.

I hope 2018 is the year you stopped hurting yourself and start loving yourself instead. There will be no more greater love than the love you have for yourself. This time, it’s your turn.

I hope 2018 is the year you forgive the ones who hurt you. Forgive them because no matter how bad they hurt you, they taught you something. They taught you to be strong. They taught you to be better.

I hope 2018 is the year you find yourself. If you’re feeling a little bit lost and confused, please don’t lose hope because you will find yourself again, you will be you again. You just have to believe in yourself.

I hope 2018 is the year you’ll finally realize that you were never just a star in the universe, you are the sun. You are meant for bigger and brighter things. You are meant to be part of something other than all the bullshits and lies other people are feeding you.

I hope 2018 is the year you’ll learn that not all bad days last and that good days are just ahead of us. I hope 2018 is the year you’ll finally be free. I hope 2018 is the year you’ll finally believe that everything is always going to work out fine in the end.

I hope 2018 is the year for you. Thought Catalog Logo Mark