How Changing Your Perspective Can Boost Your Happiness

Have you ever wondered why happy people are so happy? It’s because they have a perspective on life that allows them to see, feel, experience, and live on the vibration of joy.

Does that sound like you? If so, that’s awesome! Keep doing what you’re doing and spread joy and love throughout the day to all you encounter, because the world needs more of that. But if it sounds more like a distant dream instead of a reality to you, then read on to see how you too can experience more happiness in all areas of your life.

Our reality is directly related to our perspective.

If you complain about how much you hate your job, your relationship, the weather, the economy, your life, etc… then the Universe hears you and brings you more things to complain about- a traffic jam, unexpected bills, extra work that drains you of your vital life energy. However, if you can find one tiny thing to be grateful about, then you will receive even more to appreciate and feel gratitude for.

When you are aware of your thoughts, you can catch yourself when you are about to complain or say something negative, judgmental, or act out of a habitual state of being. As the saying goes, “Awareness is the key to freedom.” Even if you catch yourself after the fact, you can still change your perspective, because every new moment is a new opportunity to choose something different. Only you have the power to choose to shift your state of awareness.

Here’s an easy exercise to quickly shift your perspective:

Separate fact from fiction.

Fiction, in this case, refers to your lousy outlook and opinion about what you are currently experiencing in your life situation, and is what causes you to deviate from you natural state of joy and well-being.

FACT: You work at a job that requires you to do the same thing day in and day out, your boss treats you like you don’t matter at all, and you get paid $9.50 an hour.

FICTION: “I hate my job so much and it’s literally killing me. It’s so boring and I can’t stand to be here, yet here I am, working myself to the bone for barely any money. I wake up in a crappy mood every morning because I just don’t want to go to work and be around my boss, who is a complete jerk. I can’t pay all the bills this month so I’ll be eating Ramen again for dinner. Ugh, it’s never going to get any better so I’ll just grab a bottle of whisky and pass out tonight so I can wake up and do the same thing again tomorrow. I hate my life.”

If this sounds all too familiar, then it’s time for a shift. Your fictional story may seem like a rock solid reality, but in all honesty, it’s just your perspective. If you think that this ‘reality’ can’t change, then it won’t, and you will find more and more situations in your life that make you unhappy. But if you are just a little willing to be open to change, then you can immediately shift to a more positive state of being.

Try this:

PERSPECTIVE SHIFT: “I am thankful that I have a job right now that at least brings in some money so that I may have a roof over my head, clothes to wear, and something to eat. There are a lot of people who don’t have their basic needs met on a regular basis, so I am blessed to have what I have. I know that I can find another job that is fun and more rewarding financially if I just search the internet, send out some resumes, and talk to people. This job is just temporary, and perhaps when I leave, someone else who needs it can have it. I think Joe downstairs was looking for work and maybe he’ll get along better with the boss than I did, or maybe not, but I know it would help him out financially. There are lots of other things that I can do and get paid for, like tutoring people in math! I’m awesome at math!”

This change in perspective leaves you wide open to receive help and guidance from the Universe. When you look at your life in a positive and grateful manner, life will unfold for you in a way that supports what you believe to be true—in this case, finding other ways to create income.

It can take a little practice to shift from a negative outlook to a more positive one, but it’s well worth the effort because you get results instantly. You start to feel lighter inside, you have more hope, and ideas just come to you all because you are in a state of gratitude. Like attracts like, so if you find one thing to be grateful for right now, you will find another, and another, and another, until your whole life transforms and is filled to the brim with joy for just living. Your perspective on life has completely changed.

And all it takes is just one tiny shift to get the positive vibes flowing. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Kate Cavenagh

When you control your energy, you control your destiny