Kate Bailey
Part time writer. Full time bad ass bitch. Brunch-having New Yorker.
16 Struggles Of Being The Eldest Sibling
You went through an angsty phase where you tried to sell your new sibling.
15 Things You Realize When You Lose Love Again
The unmatched healing power of friends who say, “Remember when you felt this way about so-and-so? I do. Eventually you’ll feel the same way about this one too.”
18 Signs You’re Dating A Hipster
You drink your coffee, they drink their exotic, organic, 100% gluten-free vegan-ass tea.
20 Kid Things That Absolutely Never Get Old
Naps and nuggets.
18 Agonizing Reasons Your Life Will Never Look Like Your Tumblr Or Pinterest
You don’t know what sweater weather is but you do know that grandpa sweaters from Good Will both smell weird and make you look like you gained 20 lbs.
18 Things You Need To Take Advantage Of While You Still Can
Being young enough to be misguided and directionless and have it still, somehow, be fairly acceptable.
The 42 Most Remarkably Beautiful John Green Quotes
We need never be hopeless because we can never be irreparably broken.
Dear Girls, “Feminist” Isn’t A Dirty Thing To Be, And 10 Signs You May Be One Yourself!
And they are just perpetuating the idea that being a feminist is a dirty thing to be… which, if you think about it, is probably the best example of why feminism is relevant.
11 Reasons Gay Bars Are Infinitely Better Than Anywhere Else On The Planet
You haven’t been to a theme party until you’ve been to one at the gay bar.
19 Cryptic Text Messages And What They ACTUALLY Mean
“Lol.” You’re not laughing out loud. In fact, your facial expression probably hasn’t even changed slightly.
15 Signs You Are The Perpetually Single Friend
Your parents are questioning your sexuality.
Experience An Intimate Moment With This Long Lost Kurt Cobain Interview
Did you know Cobain thought he might be gay in high school?
19 Ways You Know It’s Time To Call It A Night And Go Home
You’re sitting next to a nice older couple in McDonald’s having breakfast in your dress and heels and they ask you where you’re going this morning to be dressed like that.
Prozac Saved My Life, And Other Reasons One Experience With Psychiatric Drugs Does Not Account For Them All
Nobody is proclaiming that people should stop doing chemo because it has terrible side effects… but could ultimately save your life…
16 Signs You’re Actually Obsessed With The Walking Dead
You have a zombie survival guide. A hard copy. You know why it can’t be digital.
Watch These People Act Out The Famous Disney Kisses In Real Life
Yeah, Sleeping Beauty has class in the morning.
Remember When Ellen Coming Out Was The Biggest Deal? Check Out How Far We’ve Come Since Then
“I’m the girl you always thought I was… I just happen to also be a lesbian, and I always have been.”
15 Hilariously Wonderful Hannah Hart Quotes To Remind You Why You Internet
That’s the whole point of brunch… so you get drunk in the morning. I just call that morning.