16 Unconventional Signs You've Found Your Soulmate

16 Unconventional Signs You’ve Found Your Soulmate

You've split up -- often unpredictably and unexpectedly.


The 15+ signs met your soulmate and are with the person you’re destined to spend the rest of your life with together.

1. You’ve split up — often unpredictably and unexpectedly. Soulmates rarely experience “happily ever after” right away, despite what media and culture tells us. Often the meeting is too intense to absorb immediately, and you have to separate for a while. You find your way back though.

2. They’ve changed you for the better. The people who we are affected by the most are the ones who have changed us just by their presence in our lives overhauling everything we thought we knew and wanted. It’s not a bad thing, this is supposed to happen, usually.

3. You recognize a family member in them. This sounds strange, but in my best friends and romantic partners, I can always tell they’re going to be someone to me upon first meeting because they instantly remind me of my mom or dad or sibling — not in a creepy way, in a passing, “oh, that’s funny…” kind of way.

4. You may not have “just known” they were the one the moment you saw them, but in retrospect, you realize you did. There’s a lot of overwhelming pressure to be absolutely certain that someone is meant for you forever and ever and ever so much so that while you’re still getting to know them, and maybe can’t even decipher that much, you end up misjudging because you think you need a verdict. All in all though, you look back and realize yeah — they’re it.

5. Your worst self has come out with them, and to only them. The truest soulmates are a direct reflection of you — so they inevitably show you everything that is unhealed.

6. You recognize each other almost as though you’ve known each other before. Because you most likely have.

7. Uncanny connections between major dates (such as your births, your meeting, etc.) You were born exactly 9 months apart, you met on your brother’s birthday… there tends to be some weird synchronicity surrounding dates upon your meeting a soulmate.

8. You’ve had weird, cryptic dreams about each other prior to meeting, even if you couldn’t identify an exact face or person.

9. Or at least you’ve had an inner, gut knowing that they were coming. From a young age you were only really concerned with finding that “one person for you.” You weren’t interested in dating around like your peers, you just wanted to find that one and call it a day.

10. You met while you were young, and reunited when you were older either in actual years or just spiritual and mental maturity.

11. You recognize something when you look in their eyes and it’s basically undefinable but you don’t see it in anybody else.

12. You feel what they feel, even if you aren’t naturally empathetic. You know when something’s not right, physically or otherwise. You can sense what they’re thinking and feeling without them even indicating anything to you.

13. It’s more than just a feeling. Meeting them made you realize that romantic love — especially between soulmates — is so much more than just a fleeting, physical feeling. It’s really more of an inner, gut knowing that permeates your whole relationship, even when (and maybe especially when) you’re apart.

14. You have an intense chemistry unlike you’ve ever experienced. You’re more compelled by them than anything else, and you never went through the phases of being interested in each other, going out, etc. you just kind of were together, as though you had never been apart.

15. They’re your “home.” You realize that “home” is the person or place you always want to return to, and they’re it for you.

16. Despite everything, you realize that it could be no other way — the choice has already been made. You may love other people in life. You could theoretically spend your life happily with a thousand other people, but you know you’re not supposed to. In this sense, it’s never a matter of forcing the relationship to work, but just letting it unfold as you know, even without physical evidence, it’s supposed to.

About the author

Kate Bailey

Part time writer. Full time bad ass bitch. Brunch-having New Yorker.

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