21 Privileges You Probably Don’t Realize You Have

If you ate something today.


1. If this morning you woke up and sat through a day of work that you hate, because you have a job, and you’re not numb yet. Becoming indifferent is what you have to worry about.

2. If you are upset by something, because it means that it means something to you, and what more can you ask for in life aside from something you give a damn about?

3. If you are lucky enough to have all of your arms and legs. Seriously think about what your life would be like if you were missing a limb.

4. The fact that you’re reading this right now… it means that a) you can read and b) you have an internet connection which makes you richer and luckier than many, many people in the world.

5. If you ate something today. Just take a minute to think of all the people who are starving while you sit there, complaining when you have everything you need, and then some.

6. If someone left you recently– whether it be a friend or a partner. Right now you are in the confusing in-between phase where you don’t really know which way is up, but this is where the magic happens. You’ll wake up one day in the arms of the right person and you will be so, so grateful for this time.

7. If you have a living parent, and if you know who they are. If you’re really lucky, if you have a relationship with your family, one where you are supported in every way. Do you realize how few and far between these relationships are?

8. If you have money in your bank account… and if you have a bank account. Most people in this world do not.

9. If you use technology to entertain yourself in your everyday life.

10. If you have a friend who is like a family member who you can really lean on in times of need. This is one of the greatest possessions we can have, and not everyone does.

11. If you’re not struggling with a life-threatening illness. If today isn’t a day you have to fight for your life, you are one of the privileged, and you should appreciate it, because one day you may not be.

12. If you have the luxury of modern plumbing. I don’t know why this crosses my mind now and again, but seriously, imagine.

13. If today you realize you’re not feeling well and you can go see a doctor without having to think twice about it. You’re luckier than a lot of your neighbors.

14. If you have a choice on what you’d like to do with your life. If you were able to attend school and study something you’re passionate about, but even if not, if you are simply able to pursue a job that you very much enjoy.

15. If you have all of your senses. Could you do your job without sight or hearing? I couldn’t.

16. If you have something to look forward to.

17. If you’ve ever really struggled with something. You have to see the darkness to know what light is.

18. If you have someone to come home to at the end of the day– a person, a family, a fish, whatever.

19. If you can pick out one part of your body that you actually like– or even more than one! It means you love yourself more than many people do.

20. If you have the wisdom and depth to see things past what they seem to be on the surface.

21. If you realize that your happiness is in your own hands– and you decide to embrace it. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Kate Bailey

Part time writer. Full time bad ass bitch. Brunch-having New Yorker.

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