Karen Noble

Why Are You Still Texting Me?

So what is your aim? I really want to know. Is this a game to you? Is it like, “Hey, let’s see if this chick is still willing to respond to me.”

I’ll Never Be Good Enough For You

I will never be the person you want. Not really. I can be a shadow of that person, striving really hard to actually get there. But I never will.

Let Me In

I picture your heart like a series of doors. I unlock one and slip a little bit further inside, only to be greeted by another door and another lock.

11 Things You Should Know About Living In Boston

They’ll literally be in the middle of talking about puppies or rainbows and then they’ll turn, vitriol spewing from their gnarled mouths, yell “Yankees suck!” with a vengeance and then turn back pleasantly to the conversation at hand.