Kara Skye
Free spirit with a mind of poetry, horoscopes, weird dreams, and IPAs.
Articles by
Kara Skye
Cheers To You, My Best Friend
Have you ever realized that your relationship with your closest friends reflects those traditional wedding vows? For better and for worse. For richer and for poorer. In sickness and in health.
Wait For Someone Who Makes You Feel Like Magic
So be patient.
I Love Your Heart And Your Mind
I love how powerful and magical your mind is.
The One Who Always Seems So Strong
It’s so hard to be strong all the time. It hurts to smile all the time; the muscles in my face are sore and it stings.
Why The #WhyIDidntReport Movement Is So Important
#WhyIDidntReport is everyone whose hearts were broken, perhaps too broken that we became afraid to come forward.
I Can’t Always Be The Sun
I can’t always be the sun, but for the ones I love, for you, I will always do my best.
The Man Who Was My Almost
He was electric sparks and the immediate tension of want and need.
I Am Unashamed Of My Heart And Spirit
My soul is her own spirit. Something even I cannot handle at times.
To My Friends Who Continue To Love Me Through My Depression
Thank you for recognizing that my healing is not linear.
When Your Depression Becomes The Heaviest, Remember Your Wings
We have two wings and a heart. And you, darling, you need to remember that we are angels who deserve everything.
This Is How You Love An Aquarius Girl
Do not box in her soul to keep for yourself. She will never be a Pandora’s Box for the curious man’s mind to open.
10 Of The Most Important Things My Loved Ones Have Told Me During My Low Moments
“You are and were a blessing to all of us.”
I Am The Girl Who ‘Loves Too Much’
There is nothing wrong with being a person who loves, and is able to show it.
I Am More Than The Girl Of Your Dreams
I’m real and I am yours, in your dreams and in real life.
This Is How She Loves You
She loves you the way that sunlight loves to thread itself through your window blinds in the mornings.
When The New Year Comes, This Is What You’ll Remember
You beautiful soul, you’ve made it another year, and you can’t believe that you really are here today.
I Will Not Let The Words You Hurt Me With Define Who I Am
I am a disaster, but the most beautiful kind.
I Believe I Am Damaged, But You Call Me Yours
You disarm me without me knowing, and all of my bullets fall.