Kara Nesvig

Waking Up In The Night When You Live Alone

There’s a weird, quiet fear that sometimes creeps in when you live alone. Sometimes you wake up at 3 AM and have to draw all the blinds to make sure no one’s looking in.

17 People On Their Dating Deal Breakers

“I don’t date gamers, libertarians, men who aren’t nice to their moms, men who don’t open doors, men with two first names, men who dress badly, men who don’t read, men who instagram memes, unemployed men. I used to say I wouldn’t date a dude who weighed less than me, but I’ve changed my mind on that.”

Ash Wednesday

It’s Ash Wednesday, the day where merrymaking souls go to church and repent for the mistakes they made the night before.

What It Means To Be The Not Put-Together Girl

I have come to the staggering, heart-stopping realization that I, Kara Nesvig, am a total Monet. You know what I mean, right? You’ve seen “Clueless.” Need your memory jogged? Here, I’ll set the scene. Tai: Do you think she’s pretty?