10 Things Every Woman Should Do When She Thinks She’s Ruined Her Hair

Cut your losses.


New Girl
New Girl

So you destroyed your hair? Yeah, I’ve been there too. I mean, it’s really hard to stay true to one style when you follow the Kardashians on Instagram and see all the fun things they’re doing to their hair, from bleaching it platinum to chopping it all off to adding in more extensions. It makes your head spin, doesn’t it? But you have to remember that celebrities have a lot more resources than we normal folks do, and the things they do to their hair aren’t necessarily realistic for girls like us.

But I get it. You got a little too slap-happy with the bleach, the different rainbow dyes … and now your poor hair feels like sad straw. I’ve been down this road many times. Here’s what you gotta do.

  1. Cut your losses. Cut your hair. I KNOW it sucks to cut your hair when you’re trying to grow beautiful Victoria’s Secret mermaid hair, but in order to grow that kind of hair you need to chop the dead, damaged shit off and move on. On the plus side, bobs are really hot right now and they’re way cooler in the summertime. So visit with a stylist you love and trust and tell them what’s going on. They’ll be able to help you keep as much hair as possible while still making room for new, healthy hair to grow.
  2. Be smart. The idea of “I’ll just dye my hair dark to get it healthy before bleaching it” is NOT a good one. Going from dark to light is suuuuuper harmful and usually takes a few bleach sessions. Going dark to go light is a bad idea, always. If you’re dark blonde and want to go platinum, for example, just do some light balayge highlights around your face until you feel your hair is healthy enough to take the plunge. Baby steps are good steps.
  3. Don’t yank and pull on your hair! This is not rocket science. Get a gentle brush and work through tangles and knots as gently as possible. Don’t add to the damage. Sleep in a scrunchie, not a too-tight elastic.
  4. Cut the hot tools out for awhile. I too have those wonky curly bang-things that need to be straightened regularly. I get it. I’ll allow you to use a flat iron or curling iron very, very carefully. But if you’re trying to get your sad, dry hair to bounce back, using hot tools on the reg will zap them of their beautiful moisture. Rock a ponytail, a braid or a low bun for a week or two. If you want waves, sleep in damp pigtail braids. You can do it, I promise.
  5. Don’t wash your hair so often! Try two to three times a week. Your thirsty hair will be so down with this. Hats are trendy – just throw one on if you feel greasy.
  6. Do a big, thick mask treatment once a week. Sunday’s a good day to do this. I work for Aveda, but their Dry Remedy line has always been one of my favorites for ultra-quenching moisture. There are some really great options at Target too. Let your hair soak in the mask for at least 10 minutes, then add in a leave-in treatment (Aveda Damage Remedy is my choice) and let your hair air-dry. This is also good because you can use your hair as an excuse not to meet up with that guy from Tinder who keeps texting you.
  7. Invest in products that truly care for your hair. Ask your stylist for help here; everyone’s hair is different. No product fits all textures and styles. Spend a little more on a really great conditioner.
  8. Feed your hair. It loves good fatty foods like avocado and salmon. I try to eat fish once a week and avocado at least three times a week blended into a smoothie. My hair feels shinier and stronger when I focus on this.
  9. And once things are feeling a little better … don’t get hasty. BABY STEPS, I said. Once you think you’re in the clear, don’t go bleaching right away. It’s tempting, I know … Kim’s hair looks so good! But Kim’s a millionaire and you’re not. She can have hair scientists fix her hair. You can’t.
  10. Remember that you look more beautiful with healthy hair. Split ends and frizzies are not sexy. Roll with your natural texture. Enhance the color you were born with. Take care of your hair and it will pay you back in beautiful healthy glory. Thought Catalog Logo Mark