Kara Nesvig
Articles by
Kara Nesvig
20 Little Statements Every Blonde Knows To Be True
When you go out with your brunette BFF, you get a lot of attention. It’s the whole “Blair and Serena” thing.
25 Very Specific Moments Every Writer Has Experienced At Least Once
When you’re born a writer, you can’t really escape it. It’s part of you forever, and you have to set your fingers to a keyboard or scribble down stories to feel complete.
25 Things That Happen When Your Brother Is Your BFF
You always have a ride home for the holidays, and you can make him drive so you can text and play the songs you want.
25 Dates Every Girl Needs To Take Herself On At Least Once A Year
Buy yourself flowers. Make an event of it and visit the fanciest florist you can find near you, then splurge on the extra-large bouquet.
30 Little Known Facts About Your Breasts
When men are hungry, they prefer larger breasts. Biology is weird, man.
When Someone Breaks Your Heart, You Have To Clean Them Away Too
When you clean all the damage away and take your time to make sure every corner is polished and spotless, there’s no evidence that it was ever even there in the first place.
Um Apparently Every Celebrity Can Somehow Be Traced Back To Spencer Pratt?
Is Spencer Pratt the Chosen One?
30 Feelings Every Minnesota Girl Is Intimately Familiar With
The first day it hits 40 degrees after a long, cold winter and you drive around with the windows down.
20 Times Blair Waldorf Truly Understood What It’s Like To Be The Single One In Your Crew
Blair understands the complete devastation of a broken heart; luckily she has her other great love, Serena, to lean on.
31 Unsettling Details About America’s Creepiest Serial Killers
When the police entered Dahmer’s house of horrors, they found three human heads chilling in the freezer next to Hot Pockets and ice cream.
In Bed With You I Whisper: ‘Please, Please, Please’
There is no more silence left here, not in this room. I fill it up. Cheeping voices from @handles. Facebook posts lambasting presidents and showing off stepping stones, I bought a house! I had a kid! I ate this pizza!
All The Monsters This Cold Weather Brings Out
I don’t have anxiety, but I burn, and I burn hot and fast until I crumple down like my nails.
10 Killer Teens Who Will Make High School You Seem Like A Saint
These disturbed teens freaked me the F out and made me terrified to have children one day. Evil is evil, and it doesn’t matter if you’re 85 or 15 – if it’s in you, it’s in you.
25 People On What Shocked Them Most About “Making a Murderer”
‘Poor people lose. Poor people lose all the time.’ That quote should always be shocking – as in it should jolt you, shock you to your human core – until it’s no longer true.
How To Adult When You Don’t Know How: Everything You Need To Know About The Really Big Events In Your 20’s
I’ve always read that your teens are an important time in your life, that during the teenage years you really learn who you are and start to grow into the person you’re supposed to be.
10 Famous Dead Bodies You Can Actually Visit
You can’t see the entire bod of St. Anthony, but you can visit his chin and tongue when it goes on tour!
30 People On The Most Embarrassing 00’s Beauty Trends They Rocked
“Bronzer. No foundation. I went through an entire compact of bronzer in a month.”
30 Fun Little Ways Every Woman Can Beat The Winter Blahs
Make a snowman in your yard. Who cares if your neighbors stare? They’re just jealous.