Don’t Forget About The Soldiers

Flickr / UK Ministry of Defence
Flickr / UK Ministry of Defence

Soldiers come back from the strangest of places, mentally. It would be horrible to come back to what used to be your home only to realize they can’t give you proper therapeutic support. Every solider deserves our help in repairing their spirits back to humanity. I read a veteran’s self-written obituary. It was chilling.

He died at ninety four, said he had a “premonition” that he was going to die soon. He fought on the shores of D-Day. He said he felt more empathetic towards the horses and dogs in battle. In his letter he admitted to having done “unspeakable cruelty,” albeit to survive, which is how he justified himself. It was cute. What did he believe we had assumed?

That he lived off of rainbows eating butterfly juice? The poor man had a guilty conscience about probably decapitating someone and using his head for a shot put, or whatever. At the same time, he seemed deeply in love with this part of himself. “No fear boys!” was his signing out message. Everything after the war was somewhat muted for him, you see.

They love the adrenaline rush, it’s true. And the bonds that form through such intimacy. How can we supply veterans with a sufficient amount of exhilarating fun? And strong meaningful bonds? MDMA is a new option for post-traumatic stress. New pharmaceuticals are in development. But what about simulations… after military training? Video games?

Community support is another thing. Apathy is really disgusting. The ugliest of scenes. At least during battle you have to at least respect the opponent. Back home should be a place where love and understanding are lush and flourishing. Loving neighbors, loving friends, understanding partners and people in unison, together as a part of a community. It should be automatic. Then there are the political ideas, unfortunately. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Kara Crabb

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