Kara Crabb

Articles by
Kara Crabb

Maybe This Is Why Men Think Twerking Is Hot

Our species is not alone in our fascination with the posterior. It is believed that human breasts were even selected to resemble the buttocks. Why? Because our quadrupedal ancestors used to mount their mates from behind.

Everyday Should Be Earth Day

From my perspective it was difficult to see the urgency, or what suffering could even mean for something inanimate.

This Very Strange World We Live In Today

What a strange world we’ve all been subjected to. Centuries after the European exodus, decades after the abolishment of overt slavery… Tourism, recreational flight, plastic islands, Matthew Mcconaughey… It’s all so strange.

Don’t Forget About The Soldiers

Soldiers come back from the strangest of places, mentally. It would be horrible to come back to what used to be your home only to realize they can’t give you proper therapeutic support.

5 Ridiculous Fashion Innovations From ‘Jackass’

Beyond all of the silly stunts, and barfing, and shitting, at the core of jackass, there is true aesthetic genius. Those boys become living sculptures- their beauty as wild, and uninhibited as the sea- whether they’re simultaneously being stung by hundreds of bees, or literally wearing fire, this kind of brilliance can only come from reckless abandon. Let jackass be a lesson to us all.