40 Thought-Provoking Questions To Ask Yourself If You Want To Live An Emotionally Healthy Life
1. Am I accomplishing goals beyond what is expected of me?
2. Are all my hobbies for pure enjoyment or do some of them contribute something to society for?
3. Do I ask for what I need even when it may cause conflict?
4. Am I generous to those who have nothing to give me?
5. Have I become comfortable with my life for the sake of self-preservation?
6. How am I challenging myself?
7. Am I challenging myself?
8. Do I stay silent when I should speak out against an injustice?
9. Am I taking advantage of those I love?
10. Are my loved ones taking advantage of me?
11. Why am I doing what I am doing?
12. Am I only doing [insert goal here] in order to be considered successful by others?
13. Do I treat others in an ethical manner?
14. Did I make someone laugh or smile today?
15. Did I make myself laugh or smile today?
16. Am I assuming more than I am asking?
17. Am I overthinking every situation to the detriment of my relationships?
18. When I am in a rut, am I accepting myself for who I am in the present moment?
19. When I make mistakes, do I treat myself the way I would treat others?
20. When I make mistakes, do I treat others the way I would want to be treated?
21. Are the decisions I am making today going to negatively impact my future?
22. Am I okay with not knowing the answer to a difficult question?
23. Why do I feel embarrassed when I am wrong?
24. Is having the answer to a question more important than my emotional well-being?
25. In my work or relationship(s), do I ever ‘dig deeper’ or am I always settling for mediocrity?
26. Have I learned about a new topic?
27. Do I learn the bare minimum about a subject or do I increase my knowledge on a subject I have a decent grasp on?
28. Do I always make decisions based on my emotions?
29. Do I always make decisions based on logic?
30. What is the best way for me to grieve?
31. How does the way I grieve affect those I care about most?
32. When is it okay for me to be impulsive?
33. When would it benefit me the most to be more organized?
34. Do I believe people are naturally talented or that the success of others is a mix of hard work and (possibly) natural talent?
35. How am I engaging my senses on a daily basis?
36. On a scale of 1 to 10, how closed off am I to others?
37. On a scale of 1 to 10, how dependent am I on others?
38. How long has it been since I have had a creative project?
39. How much do I complain?
40. How many times do I remind myself to be grateful for what I have?