Justin Hook
Articles by
Justin Hook
Nostalgia (The Pain From An Old Wound)
The apartment you lived in your first year out of school, the walk-up with a view of the street.
11 Cool Things That Aren’t Actually Cool
4. Telling people you don’t watch TV So you’ve somehow managed to subsist wholly on Netflix, Hulu, HBO Go, and the entirety of the Internet? We’re so impressed!
A Beginner’s Guide To Roommates
Finding the right roommate is of utmost importance. You’ll be sharing a living space, a bedroom wall, and on one or two drunken nights whether you realize it or not, a toothbrush.
8 Types Of Friends That Are Better Than No Friends At All
Sometimes you just want a friend who has incredibly low standards but no other place to go. Like the one over there who’s contemplating eating a pile of his own vomit.
5 Christmas Specials With Terrible Lessons
But let’s just focus on the Rudolph story. His pronounced nose makes him unsuitable for Santa’s racially-pure sled team,
7 Easy Ways To Be A Better Person (Or At Least Seem Like One)
There’s no better way to show off your education than by peppering your dialog with a few impressive-sounding words.
Fast Food Urban Legends
As it turns out, their sweet potato fries aren’t actually made with the starchy vegetable — they’re just regular fries with added sugar and a spot of orange food coloring. Sweet, potato fries.
A Beginner’s Guide To Los Angeles
But don’t worry too much about where you’re going to live. You’ll be spending most of your time right here — in traffic.
40 Ways To Stay Fat Forever
Avoid exercise when you’re tired.
5 Horrifying Things We Teach Kids
Many states placed their capitals far from major cities, like Albany in New York, so that government officials wouldn’t be affected by business interests. That’s actually interesting, right? All most of us learned from the state capitals was that education is entirely trivial. And that Albany exists.
5 Horrifying Things We Make Kids Do
Doctors say children need more sleep than adults. That’s why, five days a week, we wake them up when the sun is still shining in China.
8 Ways We’ll End Up Just Like Our Parents
Our parents aren’t afraid of technology — they’re on Facebook, they’ve got cellphones — yet somehow they still use Internet Explorer 6. They still think “opening a tab” means drinking diet soda.
A Beginner’s Guide To Coffee Shops That Aren’t Starbucks
It can be hard to find a table with an outlet though, and I need one to plug in my MacBook Pro — there’s no point in meeting at a coffee shop if I can’t use my computer.
12 Reasons You Should Never Meet Your Hero
It may be hard to believe, but “I’m your biggest fan,” is about the least impressive thing you can say to someone who hears it almost constantly — in fact, I’m pretty sure the guy in front of you just said exactly that, and he’s got the tattoo to prove it.
A Checklist For Successful Air Travel
Read SkyMall; become convinced the key to happiness is a dedicated hot dog toaster.
17 Ways Television Has Destroyed My Brain
Everyone I know looks like an uglier version of some celebrity.
11 Reasons It’s Hard Being Intelligent
But now that every person with a smart phone has instant access to every bit of human knowledge, not only do you have to be right 100% of the time, you have to be right with stunning accuracy.