Justin Hook

Articles by
Justin Hook

A Beginner’s Guide To Roommates

Finding the right roommate is of utmost importance. You’ll be sharing a living space, a bedroom wall, and on one or two drunken nights whether you realize it or not, a toothbrush.

Fast Food Urban Legends

As it turns out, their sweet potato fries aren’t actually made with the starchy vegetable — they’re just regular fries with added sugar and a spot of orange food coloring. Sweet, potato fries.

5 Horrifying Things We Teach Kids

Many states placed their capitals far from major cities, like Albany in New York, so that government officials wouldn’t be affected by business interests. That’s actually interesting, right? All most of us learned from the state capitals was that education is entirely trivial. And that Albany exists.

8 Ways We’ll End Up Just Like Our Parents

Our parents aren’t afraid of technology — they’re on Facebook, they’ve got cellphones — yet somehow they still use Internet Explorer 6. They still think “opening a tab” means drinking diet soda.

12 Reasons You Should Never Meet Your Hero

It may be hard to believe, but “I’m your biggest fan,” is about the least impressive thing you can say to someone who hears it almost constantly — in fact, I’m pretty sure the guy in front of you just said exactly that, and he’s got the tattoo to prove it.

11 Reasons It’s Hard Being Intelligent

But now that every person with a smart phone has instant access to every bit of human knowledge, not only do you have to be right 100% of the time, you have to be right with stunning accuracy.