5 Ways To Customize Your Own Sacred Space

I'm Priscilla
I’m Priscilla

Many spiritual teachers have advocated for creating a sacred space in your home in order to create balance, relaxation and overall mental health. There is an interesting connection with a living space reflecting your state of mind and how you are feeling.

Sometimes, you will look at a messy room in your home and feel badly about yourself, as if you are not enough because you allowed yourself to living in a cluttered space for whatever amount of time. It is also possible for clutter to reflect one’s mindset, as many creative people are undisturbed by clutter.

Particularly for those who easily absorb energies of others or are highly-sensitive, creating a sacred space in your home can create massive shifts in mood, mental health, and overall success.

Here are 5 ways to customize your own sacred space:

1) Design your vision:

Successful interior design requires design thinking and innovative planning. And you can totally do it yourself. Thinking in terms of design requires practice and a bit of experimentation- but always a plan. What do you want your sacred space to reflect? Sensuality, tranquility, a bit of nature?

First, decide where your sacred space will be. For many people, their sacred space is their bedroom. It can even be an office or a study room. It could be a garden. If your sacred space if your bedroom, it is important to take your spouse’s opinions into account when you are customizing your sacred space. When you are sharing a sacred space, it requires a collaborative effort.

Then, decide which color scheme you will choose in your sacred space and its significance. If you decide to purchase new interior decor items, determine the value they will add in creating balance in your sacred space. If you’re interested in feng shui, start with the new placement of furniture and interior decor items in mind.

De-cluttering can also create massive shifts as you are customizing your sacred space. Donate old or unwanted items.

2) Add a few comfort objects:

Aside from materialism and hoarding, keeping a few comfort objects can be beneficial in customizing your sacred space. A comfort object could be a jewelry box, a cozy pillow, or family heirloom or object from your childhood for safe keeping. Keeping comfort objects in your sacred space makes it a reflection of you.

There is nothing wrong with owning valued possessions, as long as you understand the balance between detachment from material objects and subscribing to materialism. Most people’s definition of a “good life” often involves living comfortably, eating good food, a bit of travel, experiencing regular physical pleasures, owning nice clothes, etc. All of these things involve consumerism, and commerce does make much of the world go around as we know it.

Therefore, owning comfort objects and keeping them in your sacred space is a way for you to feel safe and relaxed in your home.

3) Make your sacred space smell amazing:

One thing that customizes a space in a unique way is choosing a few scents that you enjoy and tantalize your senses. A scent you enjoy brings about a soothing quality and allows you to relax, and detach from your hectic day. Look for aromatherapy sprays and room sprays at your local grocery or home goods store and find one you like. Add a few scented candles to your space. One of my personal favorite ways to add a romantic scent into a living space is spraying rose water, as a light scent that makes a big difference.

I have recently experimented more with smudging and have discovered its benefits in bringing positive energy in a space. Smudging is a Native American practice, which purifies the room with the smoke of herbs in order to clear negative energy from a space. The benefits are also exhibited in science. When burned, sage and other herbs release negative ions. Research has linked this to a more positive mood.

The fact of the matter is that all kinds of energy can collect in a space, no matter how many people enter into the space on a regular basis. If you are sensitive to energies, it is important to regularly cleanse your living space.

4) Research interior design tricks:

There are many tricks interior designers use to create an illusion that a space is larger or has a particular quality the client is seeking to create. For instance, placing investment pieces in the middle of the space creates the an effect of it being “more refined.” Adding color to window trims creates an effort of more light in a space. Mirrors can also create a similar effect, appearing that there is more light in a space. Color also makes a big difference. Lighter colors painted on the wall also make the room appear as if there is more light and space in a room. If you follow interior design accounts on Instagram, you’ve probably seen that lighter colors painted on the wall, or plain white, is currently very popular. The wrong colors can also make a room appear dated, so it is important to test colors out before painted and start out with identifying what the room is for beforehand.

5) Add your own touches:

Add your individuality to your space. Your own touches to your sacred space could include your own artwork, photography, or poetry. They could include objects reflecting your spiritual tradition, such as a cross or small statue. Keeping books you enjoy is also a good idea, as long as they are organized and not placed as if they are clutter. Flowers also add positive energy into a space. If you play a musical instrument, you can also add it in your space.

The most important thing is that your sacred space feels good to you and anyone you share it with. Even if you’re a creative thinker who isn’t bothered by a bit of clutter, it is key to be consistent with cleaning your sacred space and updating after significant life changes you and/or the person who share it with may experience. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Julita Cardenas

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