Juliette Virzi

Associate Mental Health Editor at The Mighty. Juliette believes mental health care should be accessible to all.

Articles by
Juliette Virzi

5 Things Every Millennial Struggling With Mental Illness Needs To Keep In Mind

Oftentimes, we millennials are viewed as being unable to handle the challenges life presents. When you struggle with a mental illness, life can be really difficult — and struggling doesn’t mean you don’t have resiliency skills. So, to my fellow millennials struggling with mental illness, this one’s for you.

How Living With A Mental Illness Makes The Simplest Tasks More Difficult

Any “adult” task added to my to-do list brought on a wave of anxiety about the impending need to accomplish it. I became so overwhelmed by these thoughts and how much I had to do that I felt immobilized. It was easier for me to pretend like I was managing just fine than admit I needed help.