Juliette Kopp

The Surprising Justification For Keeping Your Bucket List

At 21, I ended a five year relationship with my first real love. I watched helplessly as all the plans we had made disintegrated in front of me. There went any house-buying-child-rearing-dreams I had naively been counting on. As a life-saving effort to start anew, I quickly wrote down “Move to a major city (12-13-2009).” And in parenthesis next to it, “(for a new beginning)”.

How It Feels To Be The Girl Who Is Left

You met him months earlier. A meeting not significant enough to remember every detail, but enough to recall you had briefly spoken about a new album coming out by a band you both adored. You fall for him cautiously, maintaining your cold exterior for a couple days, maybe even a few weeks, before you start to crack.