10 Ways Softcore Porn Is Just As Satisfying As The Hardcore Stuff

Softcore porn
God & Man

Softcore porn is basically the PG-13 version of porn. The kind you see in movies where there’s some nudity but there aren’t any closeups on genitals or vulgar shots of penetration.

Softcore porn mainly consists of foreplay. Neck kisses. Back scratching. Hands in hair. The sexy stuff that comes before the clothes come off completely.

Since it’s a watered down version of ‘regular’ porn, some people look down on it. But, realistically, softcore porn is just as satisfying as the hardcore stuff.

1. The anticipation is the best part.

Sometimes thinking about kissing someone is more exciting than the actual moment the kiss occurs. Sometimes the process of slowly removing someone’s clothing is sexier than seeing them fully naked. Sometimes the lead-up to sex in softcore porn is more of a turn-on than watching it actually happen in hardcore porn.

2. It’s completely free.

Tumblr is the promise land when it comes to softcore porn. You can find pictures of couples kissing. GIFs of two girls making out. Fanfiction of strangers heavy petting. Anything you want, you can find with a quick search on the site.

That means you don’t have to visit Pornhub or some other sketchy website you’ll want to delete from your browser history in order to find softcore porn. You can find it scattered across social media, even from sites like Twitter and YouTube.

3. It gives you a chance to use your imagination.

Instead of watching hardcore porn where a scene plays out in indecent detail, you can use your imagination to fill in the blanks. You can watch a couple kissing for a few minutes and then you can close your eyes and imagine what the sex would be like. Sometimes the scenarios your own brain comes up with are more powerful than any scene you’d ever watch on Redtube.

4. You are free to fantasize about your celeb crushes.

You’re probably not going to see your celebrity crush in hardcore porn — but if they’re an actor, you might get to watch them strip in a movie and use tongue with their costars. Don’t you think it’s better to see a little skin from someone you’re obsessed with than every hole from some porn star that you have no emotional connection to at all?

5. You’ll appreciate new parts of the male and female body.

Sure, breasts and butts are nice, but have you ever looked at a woman’s hips? Or a man’s shoulder blades? When you watch softcore porn, you’ll get a chance to admire the pieces of bodies you normally ignore. Pieces that are just as beautiful as the naughty bits.

6. You will gain new foreplay ideas.

When you watch hardcore porn, you can get tricked into thinking penetration is everything — which is far from the truth. Foreplay matters. Foreplay should be a crucial part of your sex life. When you watch softcore porn, you’ll come up with new ideas you can try the next time you invite someone back to your bedroom.

7. You’ll see more angles than usual.

In hardcore porn, the focus is usually on the pair’s lower halves. In softcore porn, you get the chance to see someone’s entire body. You get the chance to see what they really look like instead of only what their genitals look like.

8. It appeals to people who aren’t interested in BDSM.

Hardcore porn likes to involve spanking and choking and handcuffs and chains. If that’s not your style, then softcore porn will make you feel more comfortable. It will make you feel less like you’re watching porn and more like you’re watching a sexy short film.

9. It’s aesthetically pleasing.

The purpose of softcore porn is to spark arousal — but also to look aesthetically pleasing. It won’t come across as gritty and dirty like harcore porn can at times. It will look beautiful. Like a piece of moving artwork.

10. At the end of the day, you will still get off.

Whether you’re watching hardcore porn or softcore porn, you’re still going to see attractive actors. You’re still going to get turned on. You’re still going to touch yourself and have one hell of an orgasm. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Juliet Lanka

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