25 Men Reveal What Completely Kills Their Boner While Watching Porn

According to Ask Reddit, these are the worst porn trends that make them go soft.

A guy watching porn
Unsplash / Jasper Graetsch

1. Fake moans

“Not really a trend but something seen in all sorts of porn: excessive fake moaning. Most of the time it is so obviously fake that it kills my mood.” — prickinthewall

2. Long fingernails

“Women fingering themselves with ridiculously long nails.” — packers607

3. Swearing

“Why do they always swear so much?

Yeah fucking fuck my fucking pussy fuck yeah fuck fuck fuck fuck.

Sounds so unnatural.” — PhreedomPhighter 

4. Switching between anal and vaginal 

“It always kills my mood when people do anal, then vaginal, and back and forth. I LOSE MY MIND every time. Fucking gross and if you do that you’re nasty and probably get UTIs and shit all the time.” — BilliardHitchhiker

5. Stopping right at the orgasm 

“Girls that instantly drop the guy’s dick as soon as the first droplet of semen comes out instead of waiting until the orgasm is over.” — conquer69

6. Sucking on breasts

“The weird tit sucking stuff in a lot of lesbian porn, they either seem to just kind of lick the boob half heartedly like it’s a potato flavored ice cream, or they do this weird sucking thing really hard and fast like they are trying to make nipple hickeys.

Rarely do I see them relax and just enjoy the simple pleasure of gently but firmly sucking on a breast.” — solanaceaeroot

7. Pulling open vaginas

“The lips of the vagina being pulled open like the Predator taking his mask off, followed by rubbing the clitoris so frantically you half expect a curling stone to come sliding down the woman’s torso.” — AbuHannah

8. Spitting

“Well for my lady boner, the whole spitting thing is a turn off… I just don’t understand the appeal.” — _Avalon_ 

9. Assholes

“During anal porn when there’s a super close up shot of a her gaping asshole. Not into those.” — civilconsequence

10. Weird positions

“That position where the girl has her ass in the air with her knees on her chest, and the guy is basically sitting on her and trusting vertically. What in the fuck.” — PM_ME_DA_COOTER

11. Violence

“Overly aggressive and physically violent guy. The guy who smacks the girl in the face. Or slaps her tits. Or chokes her. Or shoves his fingers down her throat. Or shoves his dick violently in her mouth. I just don’t get off on the girl being physically abused.” — billionthtimesacharm

12. Fake orgasms

“Fake orgasm really piss me off. I know that you cannot orgasm from what you just showed there, it doesn’t just kill my boner it just makes me angry af that they think I’m so stupid.” — Mad_Maddin

13. Fake lesbians

“In a lesbian scene when one or more of the girls clearly isn’t into it. Especially when they zoom in on a girl ‘licking’ the other girl, but she’s trying her hardest to keep her tongue as far away from the other girl’s genitals while still technically performing oral. Lot of thigh, outer lips, and gooch licking. Especially common in ass licking videos where the girl doing the licking always seems to be deadly afraid of even the tiniest bit of her tongue touching the other girl’s butthole, but she still moans like she’s enjoying it. Like if you’re not into it, don’t sign up to do the scene! Directors need to get on that shit.” — blingneedmylove

14. Heels during sex

“Women that wear 4-inch stilettos. I’ve seen a woman slip once and impale a guy in the leg.” — grendelgraves 

15. Young girls

“Nothing about videos themselves, but how the average age of women in porn is so much younger now. Girls obviously under the age of 25 just kind of make me feel bad.” — 2_smokes_left

16. No pubic hair 

“Girl has no pubic hair whatsoever.” — komandantmirko

17. Bodily fluids

“Spitting, shit, blood, basically any bodily fluids besides cum. Again, FUTURE MEDICAL ISSUES!! All I think when I see any of it is hepatitis.” — keeperofthelostones

18. Blowjobs

“When the action stops just so she can blow him for fifteen minutes.

Didn’t come for the blowjob.” — jfsindel 

19. Step-relatives 

“Why does every damn video in the US have a stepsister or stepmom in it.” — dotdash25

20. Fingers in mouths

“I don’t see it that often, but when the guy decides to stick his fingers in the girls mouth and stretch her cheeks out. WTF is up with that??” — SMB73

21. Too much spray tan 

“When the girls have a really bad spray tan and then their vaginas are 100% a different color. It looks horrible especially when their ass is like orange.” — ThePierceIsRight

22. Clothing remaining on

“When the dudes keep their shirts on. It just makes me think of Winnie the Pooh.” — Meerkatable

23. Incest porn

“So-called incest porn where ‘mom’ doesn’t look a day over 25 and ‘son’ is a 30 year-old amateur bodybuilder covered in tattoos.” — justasickbastard 

24. Close ups

“Closeup on vagina.

Get closer.



And shot of nothing but the guy’s balls and his asshole.” — Montythulon

25. Bad lighting 

“It’s unfortunate to have to choose between hot amateur stuff where the people are passionate but the lighting is whack and the pro stuff where the lighting is good but the actors seem like they’d rather be somewhere else. Why is it so aggressive? Can’t good looking people just bang without someone gagging on a dong or spitting in someones asshole?” — Mumblerumble Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Juliet Lanka

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