Julia Aldrich
Articles by Julia Aldrich
The Truth About Body Image That No One Talks About
Let’s do an exercise: describe your body. Okay. For those who described your body’s physical appearance, raise your hand. For those who described your body for what it’s able to do, raise your hand. I’m assuming many people would think to do the first option naturally, because we’re conditioned to view our bodies as objects and not as vessels to live.
Why North Carolina’s Transphobic Bathroom Bill Is Even More Problematic Than You Think
“It’s been over a month since House Bill 2 was passed in North Carolina, and if you haven’t already figured it out, it’s outrageously discriminatory. But other than its blunt discrimination towards the LGBTQ+ community, especially trans people, the talk that surrounds it is what is truly emblematic of the United State’s distorted view of transgender people.”
If You’re For ‘Free The Nipple’, You Shouldn’t Call Yourself A Feminist
On the surface level is a portrait of women just wanting to be able to go topless and to not have their Instagram photos deleted. Unfortunately, although it means more than just that, the “wanting to go topless” label succeeds, and then the campaign just seems silly.